Chapter 23

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Ivan's POV

I drove out of Arcane County following the only road into the neighbouring City
Dianna had completely disappeared from the map so I had no idea where she is, I only hoped to find her along the way

I drove on and I noticed something was eerie
I could see a car stopped in the middle of road ahead and there seemed to be some kind of big bubble encircling the car

"Is that...... Dianna?!" I exclaimed as I saw someone fighting with some shadowed figures.... the demons! How did the demons ever get this far away from Arcane City?!

I immediately stopped my car and I ran to where Dianna was fighting the demons and I decided to fight alongside with her
She saw me but she didn't say a word and we just continued fighting the demons, dissipating whichever one we could

Eva's POV
I sat in front of the candles muttering some spells
I could tell someone was magically controlling the demons and sending them to Dianna
But who? Who would do such a thing?
Controlling demons that escaped from the Hell Gates, that takes a whole lot of power so who could be powerful enough to do such a thing?!

I casted a spell on the candles, one that could lead me to where the magic controlling them was coming from
A black thick smoke emerged from the candles leading outside and I made to follow it but I stopped and grabbed a dagger, then I walked out following the back smoke

Eric's POV
I drove at the highest speed the car could go and I soon got out Arcane County
Two cars packed on the highway, and then I saw them, Ivan and Dianna, fighting together against the demons

I quickly ran to join them
"All of them are the potentes so they are very powerful" I said

"So I figured" Ivan said

"These potentes are really getting on my nerves now" Dianna as she blasted one with her fire and it dissipated

There were two more potentes and Ivan and I both dissipated each of them

"That was one hell of a fight" Ivan sighed

"You don't get to say anything when you sent them my way! You sent them didn't you? You sent to me just to stop me from leaving the city!!" Dianna yelled

"Dianna I didn't...."

"What if one of them had possessed my baby? How could you not think about that?!! Did you want to make me feel grateful to you, you sent those demons and yet you came to help me fight them, I know the only reason you fought along with me is because you do not want those demons to kill me, you want to do that yourself!" Dianna stated

"Well you are damn right Dianna, I am the only that is to bring upon you, your end" Ivan said as he brought out a golden dagger

"Is that....." The words trailed off my mouth, but that was obviously the dagger that can kill an immortal

"I promised to make you suffer before finally killing you, so who should I kill first? Eric? Or your baby inside the car?" Ivan asked

"Your grudge is with me Ivan, if you are killing anyone, let it be me alone, do not bring anyone else into this" Dianna said

"Grudge? You call it grudge? What I have against you is much more than grudge, I hate you, I despise you and I want to make you suffer as much as I can before finally killing you off!" Ivan stated

"Isn't this a bit too much Ivan? All this because Dianna killed Sophie? I never expected you to act out like this Ivan" I said

"What did you expect? Oh sure, give him a couple of decades or centuries and he'll silently forget about it? Is that what you thought? She killed the only woman I ever loved!!!" Ivan yelled "You love Eva don't you? How would you feel if I were to rip her heart out right now?"

"Don't you dare mention her name!" I stated and he laughed

"Seems I struck a nerve there" he said and moved closer to me, touching my face with the dagger
"If you do not know exactly what I'm going through then never judge my actions Eric Hammington" Ivan said

Dianna slowly moved closer to Ivan in a bid to collect the dagger from him

Ivan's POV
"Do you take me for a fool?" I said as I turned and pointed the dagger at Dianna
"You should know me Dianna, I am not one to be tricked"

"Just.... if you are going to kill anyone, just kill me and me alone, please" Dianna pleaded

"You know how impossible that is" I said as I glanced at the car where she kept her baby

"We fought for her survival, you fought ferociously just to make sure my baby sees this world yet you want to be the same one to take her away from it? You even sent all the potentes in Arcane City after us not minding if it ends up possessing my little girl!" Dianna stated

"I didn't sent the demons after you or your baby!!!" I yelled
But then I remembered

......."Go after her Ivan, I'll make sure she's stays right where she is till you get to her" Gia said......

"Gia" I muttered as I quickly brought out her tracking map from my pocket

"What happened to Gia?" Eric asked

"She's at Adrian Hunter's Mansion" I said

"The head of the humans?" Dianna asked and I looked at her

"Looks like your punishment gets to be postponed for another day for I just became really busy, I have a disloyal and betraying sister to punish" I said as I walked to my car and drove away

Dianna's POV

"He's going to kill Gia isn't he?" Eric asked

"Probably, it seems Gia sent those potentes after us against his permission" I said

"So? Are we going to do nothing about him? Are we just going to let him kill Gia?" Eric asked

"Of course not, Gia is still our sister" I said and I glanced at my baby in the car

"You stay here with Bella, I'll go after Ivan and stop him from killing Gia" I said

"And what if he ends up killing you?" Eric asked and I sighed

"Then so be it, I do deserve it after all, if you do not see me in a few hours, take Bella, and drive as far as you can from this place" I said

"Are you telling me to do that in case Ivan really ends up killing you?" Eric asked

"We might be very powerful being but we still don't know what the future holds do we?" I asked
"Just do as I've said Eric" I said as I entered Eric's car and drove off

Eric's POV
I sat in Dianna's car with Bella
"It seems we aren't destined to be separated little one" I smiled as I held her hand

"Your Mom will be back soon, she went to save her sister from her brother, yeah we have a pretty messed up family, our sister sent the demons after you guys so our brother has gone off to kill her and now Dianna has gone to stop that from....."

I stopped talking when I suddenly realized something
........"It's very abnormal for all the potentes to suddenly team up and go as far as out of Arcane County to attack someone, I'll figure out what's going on, you go and help your sister" Eva said......

Eva! She would've definitely figured out that the demons were being controlled and she would've definitely wanted to find who's behind that
What if she already did and is on her way to confront Gia at the moment?
And then I remembered her vision
........"I'll be dying soon, I had a vision of my own death".......

I looked back at Bella
"Sorry little one, but it seems we have to go back to Arcane City too because I cannot let Eva die" I said as I started the car and turned the car around, then I drove back to Arcane City at the highest speed the car could go......

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