Chapter 7

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Gia's POV

"Breakfast everyone!!!" I yelled as I set the dining table

Layla was the first to come out of her room, yawning

"Good morning Layla" I said with a smile

"It's almost unbelievable to see that such a dark heart could muster up such a bright smile" she said and I shook my head

"You do not like me do you?" I asked

"Until I am able to figure out what it is you are hiding cause I am sure there is one, yes Gia, I do not like you and will continue to not like you till then" she said and I chuckled

"If you keep up with this attitude, you won't last too long around here Layla"

"Are you threatening to kill me?" she asked

"Call it whatever you want" I shrugged

"Is there any problem?" Ivan asked as he walked into the living room

"Not at all Ivan, I made breakfast" I smiled

"She says it as if it's such a big achievement" Layla uttered but I ignored her

"Where's Ethan?" Ivan asked

"In his room, he doesn't eat breakfast with anyone, he prefers eating alone so I already served him his food in his room" I said

"Poor child" Layla said but I ignored yet again

"You guys can carry on" Ivan said as he walked towards Ethan's room then I faced Layla

"If the reason you opted to follow Ivan here is to torment my life then I'd suggest you go back to the jungle Layla, else things are gonna get pretty bloody for you" I said and I walked out of the dining

Ivan's POV

I walked into Ethan's room and he was seated on the floor, eating

"Is there any problem?" he asked looking at me

"Well not really but I didn't get any food from Gia so I wanted to join you if you don't mind" I said and he looked surprised for a moment

"You can take the rest, I am done anyway" he said standing up

"No I didn't say I want to take your food, I said I want to eat with you"

"I heard what you said, but I don't eat with anyone so just take it" he said

"But I remember having a meal with you and Sophie and it was a pretty happy meal filled with laughter" I said

"But Sophie is no longer here is she? She's gone courtesy of your sister, you want to have a meal with me? Fine, we'll have a meal, we'll have a meal together on the day you present me with Dianna's dead body but until then I suggest you just eat that alone for you'll need your strength for what is to come" Ethan said and I nodded

"You finish your food, I'll get something else to eat" I said and I walked out of his room

"Did you eat?" Layla asked as she walked towards me and then she stopped

"What the hell did that rude boy say to you?!" she asked but it was obvious that she had already read my mind

"He only said what needed to be said Layla, nothing more" I said

"Poor Ivan, you are going through so much yet you still feel bad and responsible for young Ethan" Layla said

"He is my responsibility, Sophie was the only family he had but he lost her because of me and while I was mourning and living a life solitude with you, he was here fighting his grief and having to become a grown up at such a young age, I admire Ethan, Layla he's much stronger than I am, I only feel bad for him because children his age shouldn't be dealing with what he's dealing with right now" I said and Layla patted my shoulder

"Sophie really succeeded in changing your beastly heart, the Ivan I knew wouldn't even bat an eye or feel bad for anyone no matter who it is as long he gets what he wants" Layla said

"Maybe I'll need to switch back to that Ivan in order to get what I want without being overwhelmed by guilt and grief"

"Personality doesn't come with a switch that you can just turn on and off Ivan but anyway, I'm sure you'll find a way to sort everything out in the end, you always have, that is who you are" Layla said with a smile

Gia's POV
Ivan and I drove out of the house into the City and we parked the car few blocks to Eva's Mansion

"So what exactly are we supposed to do here?" I asked

"We are here to observe and to get seen" Ivan said as he got down from the car and I followed him

"Get seen? Wouldn't that be bad for us?" I asked but I got no reply from him as he approached Eva's Mansion

Even from afar, you could see dozens of witches surrounding the Mansion
"I told you the mansion is now we'll protected" I said

"I am not concerned about the protections that we can see, I'm more worried about the protections that we can't, if we ever need to break in then we'll need to know all the spell protecting this Mansion" Ivan said

"If we ever need to break in?" I repeated his words "If we might not need to break in, why are we here checking the depth of the security?" I asked

"Just be quiet Gia" he said as we got to the house just before Eva's Mansion
Ivan walked towards the house, broke the gate open and walked in

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I followed him in

A man and a lady who seemed to be couples resided in the house and they were obviously scared to see us intruding
What the bloody hell is Ivan thinking?!

"Who....who are you?" the man stuttered holding his wife closely

"I have nothing personal against you two but regardless, I need to burn down your house" Ivan stated

"What?!!" I exclaimed along with the couple

"You live just beside the head of the witches house so I'm sure she'll find a new place for you two to stay but if you decide to be irrational and stubborn, I'll have no choice but to burn you along with this house" Ivan said

"No, no please spare us" the couple pleaded

"What the bloody hell are you doing Ivan?!" I asked but he ignored me

"I want you two run out and immediately the house starts burning, I want you to scream as loud as your tiny throat can fathom and ask for help, you understand?" Ivan asked and the couple nodded

"Oh and if you are asked who set your house on fire, let them know it is Ivan Hammington" Ivan said with a smile

The couples ran out from the house and Ivan looked at me
"Ready to get warmed up a little bit?" he asked

"Go on, it's been a long time since I burnt myself up" I said and he removed one of his gloves revealing his flaming hand
He crouched down and placed his flaming hand the floor and the fire began, immediately spreading to all parts of the house

We could hear the voices of the couple, already screaming from outside and Ivan and I walked out of the burning house careful enough for no one to see us

We got out and the witches sorrounding Eva's Mansion had all run to help the wailing couple leaving the gate with no security

"Oh so this is why you created that commotion, to create a distraction" I said

Ivan and I stood in front of Eva's Mansion and I made to open the gate but he immediately stopped me

"Something is off" he said and crouched down to pick a stone, he threw the stone at the gate and the stone caught fire and disappeared

Ivan chuckled
"You can't even touch the gate, not without Eva's permission" he said

I looked around and I noticed the commotion was begining to die down
"The witches will return soon Ivan" I said

"Let's go" he said and as he went in the opposite direction of the burning house and I walked right behind him

I heard Eva's gate open and I looked back
It was Eric, he saw me too and for a moment, we just stood there, staring at each other........

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