Chapter 18

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Dianna's POV

"So the plan is to kill him?" Eric asked as we walked towards Adrian's Mansion

"The plan is to get him to tell us if he's really controlling Gia and why he is controlling Gia, and we'll do that by whatever means necessary" I said and Eric nodded

We approached the Mansion and we noticed his gate was wide open without any guards or securities

"Not that securities would have changed anything but how stupid is this guy, leaving his gates wide opened in this dangerous city, I'm beginning to wonder if he's really the one controlling Gia" I said

"I'm know he might seem stupid but he's obviously a slick too Dianna, he cannot be trusted" Eric said

We got to the gate and made to enter but we couldn't, we couldn't take a step inside beyond the gate

"You are right Eric, he is really a slick and cannot be trusted, else why would he put up a boundary spell?" I said as I summoned the flames to my hand and tried to burn through the boundary

"There's no need to waste your energy trying that" Adrian said as he stood in front of his house
"After our last encounter where I almost lost my life, I'll be a fool if I didn't take precautions right? So I got about twenty witches to combine their powers and create the most powerful boundary spell they can ever muster up"

"And you think we cannot break through it?" Eric asked

"I know you cannot break through it" Adrian said with a smile Eric looked at me

"Should I join you sister?" he asked

"There's no need for that, I can feel his strong boundary ripping apart already" I said as I pressed harder on the boundary with my flaming hands

"It seems your boundary isn't as strong as you were made to believe" I said as I ripped through the boundary and stepped in
"Or maybe the boundary is actually really strong, but I am just stronger" I smiled

"Do not kill me" he said slowly moving back as we approached him

"Is that an order?" Eric asked

"What exactly do you want from me?" Adrian asked

I walked towards him and held his hand
"I'm gonna ask you just a few pretty simple questions and if you answer all honestly, you get keep breathing and also keep your hand because for every lie you tell me today, I will burn your hand for it" I said with a smile

"So first question, how are you acquainted with my sister?" Eric asked

"Which of your sisters? You mean Gia Hammington?" Adrian asked

"Well it can't be me can it?" I said

"I don't know her much, she's just someone that confuses me for her dead boyfriend most of the time" he said

"So you used that as an opening to make her your pawn and do whatever you want?!" I asked

"What?! No, I've never taken advantage of Gia" he said

"But you've turned her into your soldier have you not?" Eric asked

"My soldier? have no idea what you are talking about Eric, I......" I suddenly flamed up my hand burning his wrist and he screamed

"Lie again and the next thing I'll burn is your neck" I said

"I swear, I'm not lying I swear" he said

"I guess the wrist burn isn't painful enough for you" I said as I ripped his cloth and placed my flaming hand on his arm and he screamed in pain

"Dianna wait" Eric said and I stopped

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