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I wake up to an empty bed. I furrow my eyebrows together & sit up looking around for Valerie, I notice it's still dark out. I check the time & it's currently 3:16 am. I sigh & cover my mouth as I yawn before standing off the bed.

"Baby?" I call out & I'm met with silence.

I stretch & head into the bathroom looking for her. The bathroom is empty. I check the closet & it's empty as well. I try & remain calm as I look around for her. As I'm about to call her phone, I spot her phone on her nightstand. I sigh & leave our bedroom heading downstairs.

I look around in the kitchen & living room, she's no where to be found. I notice the glass back door slightly cracked opened & I raise an eyebrow. I head outside finding Valerie swimming peacefully in the pool naked.

I chuckle to myself. I take a seat on one of the chairs & watch as she swims under the moon light, her peaceful state putting me at ease. Her eyes are shut as she floats in the water, her legs & arms spread, her skin glowing in the moon light.

I rest my elbows on my knees & smile at the beautiful sight in front of me.

She's so ethereal.

She swims under water & floats back up with her eyes shut. She fluttered her eyes open & we locked eyes. I smile at her & her brown eyes slightly widen.

"How long have you been here?" She tilts her head & I chuckle.

"Not too long." I respond & she nods her head. She beckoned me over motioning me to get in the pool & I shake my head.

"I'm good angel."

"Come on. Please." She pleads & I give in. I stand from the chair & strip out of my clothes until I'm completely naked before diving into the pool.

I swim over to her & wrap my arms around her naked body. She swings her arms over my shoulders & rubs the back of my head.

I lean down & kiss her soft lips. My hands travel to her ass & squeeze her cheeks under water, a whimper leaving her lips.

I hoist her up making her wrap her legs around my naked torso. I stare down at her with a smile.

"You're so pretty." She whispers & I laugh softly.


"Yeah. You're just so uhh." She smiled looking away from my gaze & I chuckle in response. I lean down & place soft kisses on her neck as we remain silent in the pool.

Her breathing picked up as I lingered kisses all over her jaw line & neck. A smirk forms on my lips at her body response to my kisses.

"I have a surprise for you." I whisper & she smiles.

"I don't like your surprises." She scrunched up her face & I scoff.

"Relax, it's not anyone's body part." I laugh humorously.

"Mhm. I'll believe it when I see it." She nudges my face & I roll my eyes.

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