27 •

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!warning! This chapter will be upsetting for some readers.


I stare at my phone & a notification pops up. I sigh & click on the notification, the text message making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

No caller ID: BOOM.

"Here we go again." I whisper to myself. I've gotten the same message 3 times already today. I'm not bothered neither am I afraid.

I lean back in my seat & sigh. My phone begins to ring & I lift my head staring at the contact name, a smile makes its way onto my face. I grab my phone & answer the FaceTime call, I'm met with brown eyes staring back at me.

"Hey my pretty girl ." I smile & she tilts her head, a bright smile plastered on her face.

"HI!" She shouts making me chuckle. My heart warms at her sweet smile.

"What are you up to?" I ask.

"We're going out for breakfast." She smiles & I nod my head.

As I'm about to respond, Leonardo barges into my office breathing heavily, his eyes being wide. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Baby I'll call you back." I whisper & she smiles.

"I love you." She blows me a kiss making my heart warm.

"& I love you angel." I smile at her before hanging up the call.

"Hello there. How do you feel about ducking?" Leo questions & I chuckle.

"Leo what's going on?" I stand from my seat & place my hands in my pockets.

"Duck!" Apollo shouts. Leo & I fall on the ground when bullets begin flying through the windows. He & I crawl on the ground & I grab my gun off my desk shooting my gun in the same direction the bullets are coming from.

A grenade is thrown into my office, Leo catches it.

"Throw it you stupid fuck!" I yell. He throws the grenade as far away from us.

He & I quickly crawl out of my office, the grenade explodes. The impact & force of the explosion sending all of my men including Leo, Apollo & I flying across the room.

I hit my back & head against the wall & groan, my vision being invaded with black dots. My ears ring & I feel a warm liquid flow down the side of my face. I turn my head & both Leo & Apollo are knocked out cold.

A dark figure stands across from me & I chuckle darkly. I stand from the ground, the pain in the back of my head becoming unbearable.

"Valentino." A familiar voice calls out.

The person steps into the sunlight & dark brown eyes stare back at me in pure hatred. A sadistic smile makes its way onto my face.


"You killed the only woman I've truly ever loved." He speaks coldly. I notice the silver dagger in his hand.

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