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even god wouldn't take them

Stella paled, her lips parted, and wide eyes darted around the room to find Casper, Richard, Robert - anyone.

She locked onto blue eyes. He read the alarm that was on her face as clear as the sirens that were blaring in his own head. She could see his gaze drift and his face turn rigid. He took a step forward but was stopped as he looked around the room, before landing on whoever was behind her. His jaw clenched.

Her phone was plucked from her hand and Victoria's voice was cut off by a large thumb ending the call. She looked over her shoulder to see a tall, burly man. A cruel smirk sat on his face. His hand nudged her forward and to the centre of the dancefloor before Andrea Ricci.

Everyone stood still in shock. Most huddled together as they looked around in fear and confusion.

"Oh, Richard," she sang a sultry song. She leaned over the rail of the mezzanine. Her blood red lips smiled in contempt at the man who was glowering up at her. "How are you, darling?"

His eyes moved to his daughter who was urged into the middle of the dance floor. His jaw clenched. "What is this, Ricci?"

"Just something to torture you with." She chuckled and looked to Stella who was coming to a stop with a glower set in her arresting features. "Much prettier in person."

"Leave her alone," Richard demanded. "If your problem is with me, then take it up with me."

"But this way is so much more fun." Andrea pouted. "You can feel what it's like being unable to save the ones you love so dearly."

"I swear if you do anything to them, I'll tear you apart." His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched.

Andrea threw her head back and laughed. The laughter was harsh and echoed around the silent room, bouncing from wall to wall. The mockery caused most to recoil. Andrea made a point to glance around at the men with guns. A smug smile sat on her lips.

"Well, I would like to see you try, Richard."

She moved elegantly and descended the stairs like a corrupt angel falling from heaven.

Step by step, Stella watched her come closer. She swallowed as Andrea stopped in front of her. Her cold fingers held Stella's chin and she moved her head from one side to another.

"I think I preferred your pretty face with bruises," she murmured.

A slap echoed. The breath left her. She turned her face back to the woman before her with the cruel and cunning jade eyes and charming smile. Stella's brown eyes were sparking with defiance as her cheek burned. She wasn't going to whimper or cower away from her, no matter how afraid she was.

"You want to destroy my family?" Richard's voice carried over with thinly veiled fury. "Even if you do, it won't bring Tommaso bac-"

"You have no right to speak of him!" Her sharp yell had people flinching. She whirled around. She was no longer the calm, cold woman. Anger was burning through her veins, wanting to explode in a fiery fury. "He deserved nothing of what he got!"

"He murdered my wife!" Richard boomed. "He deserved everything and more!"

A bang reverberated around the room. The scent of gunpowder wafted in the air along with gasps and shrieks. Stella's hand came up to her mouth to stop the shout that wanted to crawl up her throat.

Richard stumbled with gritted teeth. His hand held his arm as he glared at the woman with the gun. Blood seeped through his fine tailored suit, staining his hand as pain throbbed up his arm. Adrenalin pumped through his veins trying to push away the dizzying pain burning along his arm.

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