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Cas brought Stella home after a lunch date. Stella laughed at something he said as they stepped in. Her smile slipped the moment she entered the living room. No one had heard about Scarlett, except for Alastair telling everyone she was safe at home. They figured she needed a couple of days before she would feel comfortable enough to reach out.

"Scarlett?" Her brows furrowed when she met with swollen eyes. A sob escaped the delicate girl who was perched uncomfortably on the sofa. Stella hurried over and crouched before her. "Scarlett, are you okay?" She held her hands.

Another sob broke through her pressed lips. "I didn't know where to go. I couldn't stay there anymore," she murmured.

A hand on Stella's shoulder had her looking up to Robert who carried in a glass of water.

"It's getting pretty vicious and Mrs Talbot isn't helping," he murmured in her ear and set the water down.

"Has Victoria found out who it was, yet?" Stella frowned.

"I've only talked to you about it," Scarlett murmured. "Who would have done this?"

"I promise I've never said anything, Scarlett." She squeezed her hands. "I wouldn't do that, nor would the others."

Scarlett nodded. "Could someone have overheard?"

Stella pursed her lips and thought. Her gaze snapped to Robert's. "Lexi? She's friends with June..."

Robert frowned. It was the only feasible answer. "She's not home."

"No, she wouldn't." Scarlett shook her head. "I doubt she would do something so mean to me. I haven't done anything to her at all."

Stella sighed.

The obnoxious ringtone interrupted the air and had Scarlett stiffening in place. Another sob crawled from her throat as she looked at her mother's name with dread. The woman blamed Scarlett entirely for the situation. According to Mrs Talbot, it was no one's fault but her own. Her father was at least angry for his daughter and now there was a rift between the two families. The situation was much larger than just Scarlett and Henry.

Family politics were not simple.

Stella bit her lip before picking up the device and hitting answer. She stood to her feet and paced a few feet away from Scarlett and Robert and closer to Cas.

"You best get yourself back here young lady! It's up to you to fix this!" Mrs Talbot hissed and Stella winced.

"Mrs Talbot," Stella's smooth voice interrupted her. "This is Stella Callahan."

There was a pause on the other end before she cleared her throat. "Stella, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing with my daughter's phone?"

"Well, Scarlett is rather upset at the moment. I'm sure you can understand given the current situation."

"I would like to speak with my daughter."

"Forgive me for making this my business, Mrs Talbot, but I do believe you're both far too upset to carry out a sensible conversation. I'll make sure Scarlett is okay – after all that would be your priority of course."

"Of course," her voice was strained.

"Fear not, Mrs Talbot, I'll find out who did this and ensure they won't dare to do something like this again."

"Right. Tell Scarlett to call me – when she feels better of course," Mrs Talbot spluttered.

"Of course I will."

"Thank you."

"Goodbye, Mrs Talbot."

Stella hung up the phone and strode back over to Scarlett. "Your mother won't bother you for a little while at least."

"She's so mad." Scarlett wiped her eyes. "She hates how I am."

The doors opened and an unimpressed Victoria stood before them. "I will hurt whoever did this to you. Not to mention that boy who couldn't keep it in his pants."

Scarlett sniffled. "Things were going so well. We were both working on our relationship. Henry was trying, too. He apologised, said he couldn't bear it when he saw my sadness that night. He said he didn't want to destroy everything and lose me – more than he already has." Her watery gaze looked at them. "He got on his knees and asked me to give him one last chance. It was the first time I saw him looking so ashamed. He said if he messed it up, then he would take whatever punishment I would give him, and if I wanted it, he would request an end to the engagement on my behalf and ensure I received no blame." Scalding tears fell down her cheeks. "Then this happened. Everyone's talking about it. Talking about his trysts, saying I'm not woman enough, not smart enough, not strong or beautiful enough to hold his attentions." Her hands covered her face. "I've never felt more humiliated," she cried. "They're saying such horrible things. I never did anything wrong! I was the one trying!"

Stella engulfed her in a warm hug. Her tears soaked into the fabric of her coat. "You're the brave one, Scarlett. You're the one who had the courage to love him. I don't think many women would. I think they would give in to loathing – I know I would. But you don't have a bad bone in your body. Don't listen to them. They don't know you. You're beautiful and sweet and kind."

"Who could have done this?" Scarlett murmured against her shoulder.

"June Murray," Victoria replied. "I had to dig a little, but I already had my suspicions. She's in love with Palmer. Her friends know about it and not all of them have tight lips." She rolled her eyes.

Scarlett sniffled and sighed. "What do I do now? There's a conflict between my family and theirs."

"I'm sure the heads can figure things out."

"Would you like to spend the night here, Scarlett?" Stella asked. "I'm sure Father and Gina won't mind. We'll give you space if that's what you want."

"Could I, please?"

"Of course. You can use the guest room. Take whatever you would like from my closet and have a shower to clean up and reset." Stella sent her a warm, comforting smile. "If you would like a nap, you can do so. There's plenty of food in the kitchen, you can help yourself to whatever you feel like."

Scarlett nodded. "I may just do that, thank you." She stood and made her way to the stairs. Her posture was defeated, head bowed and embarrassed.

"What are you planning to do?" Cas asked, his eyes narrowed at Stella.

"A little payback." Stella shrugged.

Victoria nodded. "I have my assistant gathering material already." A smirk appeared on her red lips. "She won't know what hit her."

"I wonder how many people she's ruined without receiving consequences," Robert pondered.

"A lot. It doesn't matter now. I'm sure this will be the last time. She'll get a taste of her own medicine. As for Palmer, I hope he gets on all fours this time," Victoria stated. "There's being forgiving then there's being a doormat. I hope she can think clearly about this now that she has the opportunity to end the engagement."

Stella nodded in agreement. That man had so much grovelling to do. She hoped if he was granted a redemption, it wouldn't be an easy one. He may not have been the one to release all that information, but if it weren't for him, there would be nothing to release.

"The winter banquet is soon isn't it?" Stella asked Victoria and they shared a vicious smile.

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