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Stella looked in the mirror before looking over her shoulder as if checking what she was seeing was true. It was late at night, and she was coming back from the office. The streets were empty and frosted.

She bit her lip and kept glancing in the mirror, her foot unconsciously pressed the accelerator in order to get away, only to ease off when she realised her speed. She took a few more turns, but not once did she lose them. A shaky breath left her, and her hands tightened on the wheel as she eased back onto the highway.

She looked to the screen on her dashboard and tapped to bring up her phone contacts list. She hit her father's name and listened to the ring come through with no answer. She hung up and tried again in hopes to get his attention, but to no avail.

She tried her brother. Again, nothing. For the first time in her life, she cursed their work ethic.

She scrolled down and pressed the screen.


"I'm being followed, Casper," her voice wavered. "I don't know what to do."

"Stay calm." Shuffling could be heard. "Where are you?"

She licked her lips and glanced in the mirror again. "I'm on the highway home. I'm near the turn off."

"Alright, I'm on my way, okay? Just keep driving, don't turn off." He clenched his jaw and stormed out of his office, catching the attention of his brother and many others who were working late on an upcoming project. Cas clicked his fingers and gestured for him to follow. He placed his palm over the speaker. "Try and get a hold of Mr Callahan or Robert. If you can't get them, call Father. It's an emergency."

Ruben didn't ask any questions and began dialling.

"Cas," her voice broke, "this is the same thing that happened to Mother."

Cas rolled his lips as he heard the panic trembling in her voice. "I know, Stella. It's going to be okay." He walked out of the elevator and to his car. "I'm on my way, okay?" Ruben hurried into the passenger seat. "Just stay calm, don't stop, don't speed unless you have to, just keep going. Alright?"

His cell's Bluetooth automatically connected to his car, and he threw his phone into the centre console. He could hear her shaky breaths and the rumble of her car coming through his speakers. He cursed the icy roads but still sped along the highway.

"Do you have them on the phone yet?"

Ruben held his finger up. "Mr Callahan, there's an emergency. Cas is on the phone with Stella now, there seems to be someone following her. We're on our way to her – she's on the highway near your home. We don't know who it is, so we haven't called the police."

She had long since passed the turn to go home. She tried to slow down so Cas could catch up sooner, but the truck behind her was still tailing her. They would speed up, taunting her and getting so close their bumpers nearly touched. She could almost hear them laughing at her as she sped up to put distance between them.

Cas kept talking to her, trying to keep her calm, but her heartrate was approaching an unhealthy rhythm and sweat coated her skin, soaking into her clothes. 

The murmurs of Ruben came in the background, but she tried to keep her focus on staying away from the taunting black truck and listening to Cas's soothing voice. 

She looked into the mirror to see lights coming up behind them and more coming in her direction. 

Her wide eyes stared at the oncoming headlights. "Cas- There are more cars coming."

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