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"Alexis, sit down, please." Richard gestured to the seat before his desk. Gina stood behind him with pursed lips while Stella sat in the second chair and Robert and Lucas were on the sofas.

"What's going on?"

Richard looked at her. "News of Scarlett Talbot's relationship with Henry has spread among the masses. They had details only you, Robert, Stella and their friends would know. I believe you spoke with June Murray and perhaps told them what you heard while you were hanging around Stella and her friends."

She shrugged. "I wasn't told to keep it a secret."

Robert scoffed. "It's common sense, Lexi. We told you about the society and scandals and the way it travels. I thought you would be smart enough to know better, but I suppose I was wrong."

"Robert," Richard sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he looked back to Lexi. "Gossip and spreading rumours someone very clearly spoke of in confidence is not acceptable behaviour."

"Why are you so mad at me when Stella already did more than I did!" Lexi cried. "I just spoke to them, they wanted to know so I told them. They're my friends. Stella ruined June's life."

Stella rolled her eyes.

"Stella's actions were in retaliation. June Murray's gossip has drowned out Scarlett's and taken the heat off the Talbots. Her actions were in defence, June's were malicious. June wouldn't have been able to do this without your input. Now, she's merely reaping what she sowed."

"June is in love with him!" She exclaimed. "She just wants to be with the one she loves."

"Does he love her?" Stella raised a brow. "He was working things out with his fiancée. Besides, who wants to start a relationship this way?"

"I'm rather shocked you still don't seem to understand the way things work around here." Robert frowned. "It doesn't only involve the two people in question, it also involves their families. They're all humiliated."

"What is it you want me to do?" Lexi flopped back into her seat. "What's the point of this? Do you people like to blame me or something?"

"I want to warn you not to do anything like this again." Richard frowned. "I don't want any scandals involving my household. I don't want to hear the Callahan name mixed up in this kind of gossip. Remember what you've been told and warned about, Lexi. I hope you can offer a sincere apology to Scarlett for speaking of her business to others."

"Whatever," she muttered and stood up. "Was that it?"

Richard sighed and glared. "Yes, you may go."

"That was less explosive than I was expecting," Stella murmured.

"What did you guys do to June?" Lucas asked.

"We aired her dirty laundry," she drawled.

"Oh. I guess there was a lot?"


"It was rather satisfying, I must say," Robert chimed in. "She's been walking around like she was untouchable for a long time. Everyone knew she was bad news, but no one called her out on it."

"Is Scarlett okay?" Richard asked.

Stella pursed her lips. "Not really. She went back home yesterday morning, but I haven't heard from her since. Her mother is making things difficult, it would seem."

Richard nodded in understanding. "Let her know if she needs a place to stay for a time, she's welcome here."

Stella smiled softly at her father. "I will. I'm sure she will appreciate it."

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