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Stella roused from sleep. A deep breath escaped her as a large hand stroked her back. Her lids fluttered open to reveal sleepy brown eyes and she peered up to spy Cas's adoring expression. 

Her cheeks heated and it hit her just how much she had blushed in the last twenty-four hours alone. 

"You drool in your sleep," was the first thing out of his mouth. 

"I do not!" Stella shot up and felt around her mouth, but there was no trace. 

Cas chuckled. She most definitely did drool on his chest during the night, but he wasn't going to out her further. He would save it for another day, perhaps. 

Stella huffed and snuggled back into the blankets, her brows still furrowed and eyes glowering at him. He pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her head.  

"Good morning, my belle." 

"Good morning," she sighed into his chest. She blinked for a moment before peeking up at him. "Can I ask you a question?" 

"Of course." Curiosity sparked in his eyes. "You can ask me anything." 

"Do you get your chest waxed?" Her finger trailed over the smooth skin. 

Cas looked away with reddening ears. He cleared his throat and glanced at her amused smile. He rolled his eyes. "I got it lasered," he muttered. 

"And that makes you embarrassed?" 

He shrugged. 

"Why did you opt for hair removal?" 

"I never liked having chest hair, actually." He hummed. "I always got irritated after a workout." 

"Oh." Stella nodded. "Did laser hurt?" 

"No. Why?"

She paused and grimaced. "Waxing is unpleasant. I was thinking of having laser done."  

"It would be more permanent if that's what you wanted." 

Their random conversation about body hair was interrupted by a black nose shoving it's way through the gap in the door. A black and red German shepherd jumped onto the bed. He seemed satisfied to be apart of the morning conversation as he wedged himself between the two.

Stella chuckled and gave Bram a pat while Cas glared and rolled his eyes.  

Casper's eyes strayed from the printed letters in his book and to the blonde woman who was nestled between his legs on the sofa. Her long fingers toyed with her turtleneck as she read. He watched as her profile as her brows pulled together before they released again. Her lips rolled inward, and she turned the page before returning her hand to the neckline of her sweater. 

Simone walked in with a tray of tea and some treats. She glanced from Casper to Stella. She could tell something was up and it didn't take a genius to figure it out. It had her eyes narrowing in on Casper who, once he caught her stare, held his hands up in a silent proclamation of innocence. 

The woman just shook her head and walked away after shooting Stella a smile. 

Stella picked up her tea and finally tore her eyes away from the book only to turn to Cas's stare. She blinked. "What is it?" 

"Oh, nothing." He smiled. 

She narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth but was interrupted by an obnoxious ring tone. Stella watched the playful spark die as he pulled his phone out. She sat up to give him space to talk. He placed his book down and answered the call. His back became more rigid. His eyes narrowed and became colder than the temperature outside. 

Stella's brows pulled together in concern as she watched his jaw tighten. He murmured a few words before hanging up. His chest expanded and a breath was blown out of his nose. He looked up at Stella with pursed his lips. 

They were officially thrown back into reality. 

"A few things have happened. We need to go back already."

"Is everything alright?" Her brows came together and her brain ran through all the possible things that could have them rushing back home.

"Yes, it's just work. There's going to be a meeting I must attend tonight." He sighed. "I'm sorry we have to cut our little getaway short." 

Stella smiled at him and nodded. "That's alright, Casper. We can come back again sometime."  

They packed their things and were on the road, reaching home that evening. 

Cas stood in front of Stella's home, her face cradled in his hands. They kissed and were obviously reluctant to part. Stella's hands gripped his coat as she returned his affections. 

 "I'll talk to you later if it's not too late." He smiled at her. "Make sure you stay warm and sleep well." 

Stella wrapped her arms around him, but she was afraid she wasn't going to be able to sleep as well as she did the night before without his arms around her. 

"Don't work too hard," she murmured but he just smiled and pressed a kiss to her crown. 

A sigh escaped her as she watched him climb into his car and drive off down the long driveway and out the gates. She picked up her bag and walked up the steps and into her home. The warmth engulfed her. A smile lit her face when she approached the sitting room and saw her father lost in thought with a glass of wine in his grip. 

"Pappa," she called. 

"Stella?" His brows raised and he put his glass down. "What happened? Aren't you supposed to be home in another two days?"

"Casper was called into work." She sat beside her father. 

"Where's Bram?" 


"Did you enjoy your stay?" 

"Yes, it was wonderful." 

Richard sat and listened to his daughter go on and on about the beauty of the place. Her eyes sparkled when she relayed something Simone said or something Cas did. 

A smile stretched his lips and, not for the first time, he hoped she could wear that expression always. 

Richard's phone interrupted the warmth of the room and he sighed, pulling out with great reluctance. Stella watched as he said a few words and put it down. 

"I have to go meet with Madigan. Have some dinner and relax for the night. You don't need to go into work tomorrow." He smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"Stay safe, Pappa." She sent him a smile but it slipped off her face as she watched him climb the stairs. Her lips pursed and she swallowed at the dread settling in her stomach.  

StellaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon