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fight your own battles

Gina, Lexi, and Stella sat in the car. Her father sent a driver to take them to the spa. It appeared he wanted to spoil them.

Stella sighed and watched the landscape change the closer they got to their destination. She was expecting to go alone and was only made aware of the details that morning. She hoped for minimal headaches as she mentally prepared herself for the engagement party.

"Have you gone to this spa before?" Lexi asked, finally putting her phone away.

"Yes, it's the only one I really go to," Stella replied.

"I haven't been to a spa before," Gina murmured. "It's kind of a weird concept."

Stella furrowed her brows. "Didn't Edward and Alastair give you a membership?"

"Yeah, I still have it. It's kind of intimidating, though. I thought of bringing some of my girlfriends along at some stage. It's just fancy."

She nodded and looked outside.

"What are we having done?" Lexi asked.

Stella winced. "I'm not sure about you, but knowing Grandmamma she booked me in for face and body treatments, a massage along with nails and," she grimaced, "waxing."

"You don't look excited for it," Gina frowned.

"Well, I'm happy to have a massage, but I'm not a fan of waxing." It was mostly getting almost naked in front of a stranger and having her hair ripped from her body, although she liked the silky-smooth feeling afterwards.

She made a mental note to consider laser.

The car pulled up outside of the spa and all three climbed out. Stella stretched her neck and took the lead to enter the building.

"Welcome, Miss Callahan, Mrs Callahan and Miss Jones," the receptionist greeted before grinning. "Congratulations on your engagement Stella."

"Thank you, Stacey." Stella smiled.

"If you would please follow me, I'll take you to the change rooms." She guided them down the hallway. "There are robes in there waiting for you to change into. When you come out, your attendant will be there waiting for you to take you through to begin your treatment. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to let any one of us know." She stopped at the change rooms and waited for them to enter and close the screens.

Stella undressed and folded her clothes, leaving them in the basket with her name and details written on it before putting on a robe. She opened the curtain and came face to face with a professional woman wearing a pretty smile.

"Stacey will take care of your things, Miss." She stepped aside and held her arm to the direction she wished to go. "Please, follow me and I'll take you through to Yvonne who will be starting you with waxing then you will have your facial and body treatments."

"Thank you," Stella sent her a nod and followed her to the room. Behind her Lexi and Gina stepped out and began chatting with their attendant.

After Stella's skin was glowing and her legs were silky smooth, she was taken to a room where Gina and Lexi were reclining having their nails expertly done.

"Please have a seat, Miss Callahan." Stella sat beside Gina and sighed.

"Did you enjoy it?" Gina asked with a smile.

Stella nodded. "It was good. The massage is always the best part."

Gina sighed in bliss. "I had the hot stone massage, and it was divine."

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