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Stella climbed into her car and drove home from the restaurant. Her lights illuminated something up ahead. Her eyes squinted at the figure before she pressed the brakes and pulled over. Without wasting any time, she climbed out and approached the girl.

"Scarlett?" She looked at the ruined make up and tear stains on her face. Scarlett Talbot was never unkempt.

"Stella?" she sniffled and looked at the woman before her.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" Stella furrowed her brows as Scarlett choked on a sob. Her hand slapped over her mouth to quiet her cries.

Stella looked around and came closer. She took her arm and led her to her car. "Let me take you home?"

"I don't want to," Scarlett muttered.

"Okay, you can stay with me for the night. How is that?"

Scarlett's puffy, watery eyes looked at Stella. "Really?"

"Of course." Stella helped her in. "You can have a shower and then we can have some tea. Do you still like chamomile?"

A small smile reached Scarlett's splotchy face. "I do. I can't believe you remember that."

Stella started the car and drove to her home. Scarlett hesitated a moment as she saw Richard getting out of his car. Stella opened the door for her and helped her out.

"Miss Talbot?" Richard frowned. "Are you alright? Do you need some assistance?"

Scarlett shook her head. "I'm fine. I'm sorry for being a bother Mr Callahan."

"No bother, Miss Talbot, you're welcome here."

She released a weary smile and nodded.

"Come along, Scarlett," Stella murmured, and they entered after their father. Stella led her to her bedroom and bathroom. "I'll get you some pajamas to borrow. I'll leave them on the bed."

"Thank you, Stella."

Stella nodded and walked back to her closet and pulled out some simple silk pajamas and left them on her bed before going downstairs to the kitchen. Beth was finished for the day, so she set about making a pot of chamomile tea.

"What's going on?" Robert sauntered in. "Father said you brought along Scarlett Talbot."

"Yes, I found her on the side of the road." She glanced at him. "She was a mess."

"Do you know what happened?"

"Not yet. I'm not sure if she even wants to tell me." She picked up the tray with a teapot and two teacups. "I can imagine what it was about. Or who."

She climbed the stairs and opened the door to her bedroom and peered in at Scarlett who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Stella sent her a small smile and placed the tray on the coffee table. She set herself on the sofa and set about serving tea.

"Have you calmed down?"

"Yes, a shower was just what I needed." Scarlett grinned.

Stella nodded and set Scarlett's teacup across from her while she settled herself into the sofa. Scarlett seated herself across from the blonde and sipped her tea in the silence.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Scarlett paused and pressed her lips together. "I caught him, you know," her voice was almost a whisper. "We were supposed to have dinner and I went to his home to meet up with him. A woman came out and it was obvious what they did. She had hickeys on her neck, knots in her hair and messy makeup." Her hand trembled, the tea rippled. "I know some think I'm stupid. Maybe I am, but I've been trying, I just can't understand why I'm not good enough." She looked at Stella, heartache written all over her face.

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