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the bitter miscalculation

Stella closed her eyes as she sat on the side of the bed. A fatigued breath was released. Her hair shielded her face. She had never been so dishevelled or dispirited, not since her mother's death, anyway. 

A hand ran over her back. The tension around her eyes began to ease with the warm, soothing motions that somehow eased the pain in her head. 

"I just want to stay in bed," she murmured. 

"Then stay in bed," Casper replied, propping himself up on his elbow.

"I have to see Grandmamma." 

"I'll go and see her." He pressed his lips before opening his arms. "Come here," he murmured with soft, compassionate eyes.

Stella looked at him a moment before turning and shuffling into his arms. She huddled close to his chest, her hands gripped his t-shirt and she tucked her head beneath his chin.

Cas reached over and pulled the covers back up, over her shoulders. "Don't worry about anything, I'll deal with it." 

She sighed, the air blew against his neck. His hand trailed up and down her back. Stella fell asleep under his careful attentions, and Cas unwrapped himself from her with much hesitance and reluctance.

He showered and dressed before he checked on Stella again. After ensuring she was still asleep and comfortable, he climbed down the stairs and followed the noise of voices to the sitting room. The atmosphere was sombre and bleak. 

Lexi looked pale, Lucas was zoned out, while both Robert and Richard were brooding along with Ida. The dark circles beneath Gina's eyes revealed the fatigue they were all feeling. 

Richard was the first to detect Casper in the room. He straightened up and looked at him. "How is she?" 

"She's okay," he replied. "Sore and exhausted. I think it will take some time for her to recover."

Richard licked his lips and nodded. "Is she awake?" 

"No, she just went back to sleep." Cas looked to Ida and nodded. "Good morning, Mrs Callahan." 

Ida sat with pressed lips. She nodded her head in return. "Good morning, Casper." 

"Can I see Stella?" Lucas asked. 

Cas gazed at him before nodding. "I'm sure she'll come down when she's awake. She's very tired." 

Lucas bit his lip and nodded, slumping back down. "What was all that?" He looked to his mom and then Richard. "Why would anyone want to kidnap her? Was it a money thing?" 

It was silent for a moment, before Richard closed his eyes and exhaled in defeat. "It's a revenge thing." 

Lucas stilled and he blinked at Richard. He was almost too afraid to ask, "revenge for what?" His voice came out slow and unsure. 

 Richard clenched his jaw. 

"Rita was murdered," Ida spoke up. "Stella was in the car also. We have ties with the Irish Mafia." Her cane tapped on the ground. "It's purely symbiotic, but we don't do the same activities they do. Another family attacked us. Rita was their target to knock Richard and destroy the Callahan heir so they could take our company and position." Her cane stopped tapping on the ground. Her eyes revealed her lethality with a sharpness one would expected to have dulled over the years. "That family was destroyed. However, it seems someone is taking revenge." She rose from her seat. "We never wanted to tell you this. We didn't wish for you to have that worry or burden hanging over your head. I never thought it would come close to being of your concern." Ida took a deep breath. Her aged fingers clenched around her walking stick. "We miscalculated, and for that, I am sorry." 

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