Chapter 17 | Life As We Knew It

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The title of this one reminds me of a book I read in 6th grade about the moon getting extremely close to the earth. That book is very depressing.

It's supposed to be about the world ending, and I had read it right before covid, which is a big coincidence... A little scary, even.

Anyway, enjoy!


It was already bright outside, I had gone to a motel for now. I was still exhausted, and surrounded by bottles of alcohol and cigarettes.

I've gotta stop drinking and smoking... Ugh, fuck it.

I squinted, eventually opening my eyes fully as my body laid out. The motel was really small, there was a tiny bathroom and a bed and TV, but that's about it. To wash your clothes you had to go downstairs in the old and used room with cracks in the walls. It smelled really bad, too...

My eyes have been puffy for a while now, my face paler than usual and just overall looked terrible.

I hadn't gone to any work either. I was still waiting for my interview to get back to me to see if I passed it or not.

I sat up slowly, groaning as I went to my laptop to see the newest news. Most of it was still surrounding Naruto and Sakura's "relationship".

"Tch.. what a waste of time..." I grabbed a cigarette from the side of my laptop, lighting it with a used lighter I still had.

It's weird, but I don't think I've been this upset since... I don't know. I feel completely betrayed. Maybe since Itachi left me?...

I know it's just a stretch I'm going off of, but hell, people are even saying they kissed before going on stage.

With how happy he looked at her, it pissed me off every thinking about it.

When I thought over the good times me and Naruto had, it made me sad, but also happy at the same time. That was the first time somebody saw me so damn happy.

I blew out the smoke from the cigarette. I hadn't even smoked very much when Naruto was around.

Just like that, tears flooded out of my eyes. This may be the 50th time I've cried, God damn it!!



I suddenly heard a knock at my door. I was surprised. Maybe it's the people that interviewed me.

I got up, walking to the door but almost falling. This hangover is killing me...

"Hello?..." I said as I unlocked my door, opening it to see a blonde with ocean like eyes and whiskered cheeks.


"...What the hell do you want." I said sternly, barely peeking my head out of the door. He looked tired as well, actually, he looked a whole lot different than he usually does.

"Sasuke, please let me explain! You just ran off without letting me say anything... I didn't want to chase you, well, because I knew you were mad at me... But..." Naruto said way too quickly for me to understand.

"Ugh, just come in." I opened the door. "I know this place is cheap as fuck, but I don't feel like telling everyone my business."

He nodded, slowly walking in and standing beside me who sat on the bed. "Now what do you want. I'm done with you..." I groaned.

Naruto looked around the room, seeing the bottles and cigarettes everywhere. "What did you do to yourself..." Naruto said under his breath, barely audible.

"Would you tell me what you want already?" I sighed, my eyes following the traces of the wall.

I soon turned though once Naruto laid his hand on my shoulder. "Sasuke, I swear I didn't do anything with Sakura! I don't like her like that anymore, I don't get why you would think I would..."

"So that internet rumor is true then? You used to be so in love with Sakura Haruno? Hah!... Haha..." My laugh was rather fake, more sarcastic, I guess.

"I wonder what other rumors are true." I said extremely quietly, Naruto barely hearing.

"Sasuke, come on... You know I wouldn't do that to you!" Naruto yelled with a worried expression.

"You know what?" I stood up angrily. "Fuck that! I don't believe that! It's Sakura Haruno, God damn it, Sakura Haruno, the star of Japan!"

"The all-mighty Sakura Haruno, well that's bullshit! She isn't even that pretty! And her personality isn't good either! All of her is bullshit!!" I shouted, bringing tears once again.

"Just get out. I don't know why you're here anyways. It's a waste of time..." I said much quieter after a few minutes of silence.

"Sasuke." Naruto said in a serious tone, but rather saddened too.

Seconds later, he pulled me a little closer, gently placing his hand on my shoulder again, and his warm lips touched mine, landing a kiss on me.

Damn it...


Yayyy another chapter..I actually published this twice but edited it the second time around because I hated how short it was. So yeah.

Anyway hope you enjoyed!

839 words

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