Chapter 11 | Second Star

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"Ugh, my back hurts like hell!" I yelped, sitting in an awkward position. I sighed. Naruto is at work right about now, he's going to work on a new song. And what am I doing? I still work at that shitty place from before.

Naruto said that he wants to help my career get a boost, and that he wants us both to be known that we're together. I guess he's really happy now that he knows I'm in love with him.

Bastard, he sure knows how to distract someone from their own life.

Me, of all people, in love with a star. And him, of all people, in love with some kid on the damn streets! How odd. We're nothing like each other... At least, that's what it comes across as in that aspect.

"I'm home," Naruto yelled, yawning a second later as he stretched. I looked over, smiling. "You're home early." I said, getting off my chair and walking to him.

"Yeah, today I didn't need to do much because I already recorded my singing. We were just working on the background music for it." He mumbled, soon giving me a tight hug.

"Hmmm, have you heard my music yet?" Naruto questioned. I turned slightly red. "Yeah, I binged all of them after Shikamaru recommended them to me..." I replied.

"Shikamaru? Who's he?..." Naruto asked. I guess he thought Shikamaru was an ex or something, because he looked a little mad.

"D-don't worry! He's a co-worker!" I shouted, then covering my mouth because I didn't mean to shout. That's embarrassing.

"Well, anyway. Sakura is apparently supposed to do a show with me sometime." Naruto walked over to the kitchen, grabbing orange juice out of the fridge.

"Sakura? You mean Sakura Haruno?" I followed behind him, eventually sitting down on a stool in the kitchen.

"Mhm, she's a famous singer as well." Naruto said, pouring orange juice into a glass, and walking over next to me.

He sat on the stool beside me. I don't have a good feeling about this. Sakura Haruno?

"Hn, just be careful, alright?" I mumbled in annoyance. "Be careful? What do you mean?.." Naruto questioned.

I shook my head. "Don't let her flirt with you or something," I looked over to my bag, which held a lot of my belongings I carried on the go.

I suddenly got an idea. Naruto looked at me oddly. "Pfft, why would she flirt with me? And anyways, I only have eyes for you... I'm not a cheater, ya know!" He shouted in his usual obnoxious and raspy voice.

"Hmph. Well, I am going to make sure people know you're taken somehow.... I think I am going to get you a ring." I smiled.

Naruto's eyes widened. "A ring? That's okay, but I don't know if I should introduce you yet. People still don't know about my sexuality, and people may be too surprised..." He muttered.

"Ehh? I mean you're right, but... Ah, whatever. Well I'm gonna get you a ring. It'll be a special one..." I grinned, thinking of my idea once more.

"Okay then," he smiled. The question now was, how the hell am I supposed to get the money for it?!

I sighed. "I'm not sure I can afford it, though... Hn." I said under my breath. Naruto didn't seem to hear me, which was both good and bad.

I'm going to have to ask my parents. They aren't going to be happy to see me, and they likely won't give me anything, but asking Naruto for money doesn't sit right with me. Especially when it's for a gift for him...

"Naruto, I'm going somewhere." I said, standing up and grabbing my coat from the coat rack. Well, it was Naruto's, but he gave it to me.

"Huh? Okay." Naruto was scrolling through Twitter on his phone, eventually placing it down to listen to me.

"I'm going to visit somebody. I'll be back in a bit." I sighed again, annoyed I had to go see such terrible people again. I didn't think I'd have to go there again, but here we are.

I left, walking to my parent's house, which was pretty small since my parents didn't have much money.

I knocked on the crooked door, which creaked open a few minutes later, and a black haired male appeared in front of me.

Itachi?!.. I haven't seen him since I was seven years old.



Hope you all enjoyed! I'm pretty happy with this chapter, I wanted to keep things smooth. I've actually got a time limit to do these nowadays, so it's difficult to make everything flow right and make sense, but yeah.

Btw in this au both Naruto and Sasuke's parents are alive if you couldn't tell lmao

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