Chapter 12 | Reunion

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"I haven't seen your face since I was seven, and now you show up here?" I looked at him dead in the eyes. His eyes were always so emotionless, but somehow they didn't seem so emotionless this time.

"Ah... Come in." Itachi finally said. I listened, coming in.

"So... How old are you now?" Itachi asked, sitting on the couch next to me. It was pretty outdated since my parents never really had much money to begin with and they never bothered to get new furniture.

"I'm almost 23," my eyes trailed off, following a fly that flew in the room, making me cringe. I hate bugs.

"23? You look much older, yet somehow still very young. It's been a long time." Itachi sighed.

"I guess." I muttered as the fly flew back out of an open window. "Then again you never made much of a bother to see me, so." I groaned.

"Cut the sweet act. Why the hell are you here? You left me 16 years ago and not a single time did you even call and ask how I was." I was pissed. Rightfully so, though. Itachi wasn't much of a brother because he wasn't there for me almost my entire childhood, even if we were close originally.

"I did try," Itachi began, taking a sip of tea he made for himself. "But our parents wouldn't let me contact you."

"That's bullshit. You could've contacted me some other way." I groaned. Itachi just shook his head. "You didn't have a phone, and any time I tried coming over they wouldn't let me inside when you were home. For some reason they wanted us apart."

"And how the hell am I supposed to believe you? You could've called when I did have a phone, God damn it! Stop making excuses!!" I stood up, annoyed and frustrated.

Itachi stood up with me. "I'm not! I know I messed up, but I was afraid to talk to you after leaving you for college. I know I wasn't much of a brother... I know that." Itachi's face looked saddened.

I clenched my fist. "You hardly know anything about me. I'm sorry, but Itachi, there are things you could've done and you waited until I visited? Do you even care to ask how our parents treated me once you left? You're the stride of the Uchiha, and I'm some mistake they had."

Itachi's face was barely being held up. He didn't answer, instead he just stayed silent, no longer making eye contact with me.

"The only reason I came here was to ask mom and dad for some cash." I groaned, unclenching my fists. "Cash?" Itachi questioned.

"Yes," I sighed. "I'm getting a ring for my boyfriend."
"B-boyfriend?!" Itachi froze. "Yes..." I rubbed the back of my neck, annoyed.

Itachi nodded. "I have some money, I was supposed to be helping my parents. But based off what you said, I'm not sure I should support them financially anymore..." He got his wallet out, counting wads of money.

Jeez, I didn't know he had that much money...

He handed me a few hundred dollars. "This is the most I can do right now. Is that enough?" Itachi asked, watching as a smile came on my face.

I bowed, thanking him profusely. He told me not to thank him, and I was about to take my leave.

"One more thing." Itachi stopped me as I was opening the door. I turned around, and he brought two fingers to my forehead, bumping it.

"Have fun. I might not have been there for you at your worst, but I can be here for you now." He smiled, keeping his middle and index finger on my forehead.


(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ I hope you enjoyed this terrible chapter.

I wanted to bring something new to the table so that's why there's this... It's a last minute plot I thought of so yeah.

Btw Itachi is in his 40's here! He is meant to look pretty young, so most people don't realize how old he is. That's how it's supposed to be, anyways.

Have a nice day!

694 words

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