Chapter 16 | Sorrow

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Yet again, another shitty title. Still, hope you enjoy this chapter, even if it's a little depressing.


"Sasuke..." Naruto's face became saddened. He brought his hand to my face to wipe the tear but I slapped his hand away.

"Stop lying to me. I can't do this anymore if you're going to lie!" I shouted. Naruto watched me as I slipped the golden ring off my finger. "I risked everything for you."

"Wait... Sasuke, what are you-" I interrupted Naruto, shouting again. "Shut up! I see the way you look at her!" Tears fled down my pale face.

"This ring, did it mean anything to you? Was I really just a fuck buddy all this time?" I held the pretty golden ring up, handing it to him.

"Sasuke, let me explain! I don't even get what you're saying... Do you think I'm hooking up with Sakura??" Naruto's face looked worried and sad.

"I, I wouldn't do that to you... Why the hell would I only want you as a fuck buddy?!" Naruto shouted back.

"Do you really think I'd stoop to such a low level?..." Naruto said, slowly becoming quieter.

His voice was shakey, his body trembling. "I'm sorry, Naruto, but the way you looked at her...

.... That was the way you look at me. And wasn't it known a while ago? You had a crush on her at some point. I am sure you'd hook up with her over someone like me..."

The car stood silent, Naruto was really still now. "I thought you knew you were the only one for me... But I guess you didn't believe that."

I didn't reply. Instead I got out of the car, walking to the apartment as I took a cigarette out and lit it, letting out a long sigh.

Naruto didn't try chasing after me. I was surprised, but I figured it's better that way.

I got out my phone as I walked, scrolling through the internet. One of the first breaking news topics was about Naruto and Sakura. I guess people are already guessing they're hooking up.

....they probably aren't wrong.

I sighed, breathing out the smoke from the cigarette. I quickly put away my phone, crying once again.

Why can't one thing in my life go decently?

My eyes started to sting. I decided to not go to the apartment, and instead run over to Shikamaru's house. I actually had never gone over to his place even though he gave me his address until now.

"S-Sasuke??" Shikamaru said in surprise, telling me to come in as it started to rain already.

"Hurry get inside or you'll get a cold..." Shikamaru waved at me, gesturing me to come inside and have a seat. I took out my cigarette and walked in.

I sat on his couch, my face emotionless. He seemed to notice my puffy eyes and asked why I was crying.

"Shikamaru..." I said shakily. "He cheated... I think he cheated..." I mumbled.

Shikamaru seemed confused for a second, but then realized. "Ohh, Naruto? Are you sure he cheated?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"The way he looked at her... He's only looked at me like that...." I said, taking deep breaths to avoid panicking.

"You mean with that pink haired chick?" Shikamaru groaned. "Ahh, the internet might be where you got that too. Everyone's saying they're hooking up secretly."

My heart dropped as I thought about it. Shikamaru paused, looking at my pale expression.

"....I don't think that's it at all, though, personally," he caught my interest. He was a genius, his IQ insanely high.

"Y-you don't?..." I replied. Shikamaru shook his head. "The internet is just like that, unfortunately. But Naruto was only looking at her oddly because she blushed at him, maybe he was thinking of you in that moment." Shikamaru slowly said.

"To be honest, Sasuke...

He looks at you like he's the happiest he's ever been. Didn't you notice? Throughout the entire time he kept looking at you in the audience."

Shikamaru smiled slightly. "I think you're way off. Don't you think you're a bit paranoid?"

My eyes were widened from shock. "Oh, and also, in his interviews. All he does is talk about someone he met and how important they are to him, and that's why he hasn't been looking for a partner. Haven't you seen them? Come on, have you even confronted him about what you're telling me?" Shikamaru laughed a little.

"You're acting a little dramatic over nothing." He said bluntly.

I nodded. "I have.... I told him how I felt, but... He could've been lying..."

"Either way...

....I need to take a break from him, or any relationship for that matter." I sighed, wanting another cigarette.


Hope you enjoyed!

Have fun with a little angst... I'm a sucker for it muhahaha.

Anyway, that's all for today. I'll update later tonight as usual!

817 words

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