Chapter 31 | Roommates

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Enjoy the finale, loves.


"Yeah, what is it?" Itachi questioned. He seemed genuinely confused for a moment. "It's about dad." I began. "Oh..." Itachi immediately dropped his happy tone once he heard me mention dad.

"He... Told me you left and didn't want me to know about it. He said he'd tell me where you were if I just gave up on Naruto. Obviously I didn't. And I am seriously doubting what he said was true. But I wanna make sure anyways..." I sighed.

Itachi paused, processing all that I said. "Normally I'd ask why you would wanna talk to dad in the first place... We all know he's a piece of shit," Itachi laughed about that, though it sounded more like a sarcastic laugh.

"It's because he came to my wedding. You never came, but then again I didn't get the time to tell you... I wish I would've. Me and Naruto are planning to do another wedding sometime. Just a redo because he fucked it all up... He just started beating me." I groaned.

"Ah, I see... I'm so sorry I couldn't make it! I would've never let him hurt you if I was there... God, I'm so sorry..." He said, his voice trembling.

"Don't worry about that now," I said, happy he was worried about me, but also I felt a little bad. "Was what he said... True?" I mumbled nervously.

"Oh, that... Hahaha, I don't even know where he came up with that. I was at Deidara's house for a while and I didn't come home for a while because all they did was ask for money." Itachi laughed.

That's a relief...

"Oh, that's good... I was a little worried." I laughed along with him a little nervously. "You really think I'd stoop that low?"

"When you've been through as much as me, you'll think everyone would be fine with stopping that low," I chuckled. "Anyway, me and Naruto are going to have a dinner...  Would you be fine with joining us?"

Itachi laughed, and agreed. "Also... I want you to meet our little one." I said, smiling to myself.

"Huhhh?? You have a kid?!" Itachi asked very loudly and shocked.

"Hahaha... Yes..." I said, thinking of Menma's cute face. I miss him already, and its only been 15 minutes.

"So, are you going to join?" I asked again, hoping to hear him say yes. "Of course, besides, I'd love to see my little brother again."

I smiled. "And I'd love to see my older brother again."


Knocking could be heard loudly on our front door, so I immediately went to go get it. I opened it to see Itachi, my brother, in front of me.

Damn, he has aged quite a bit compared to the last time I saw him.

"Haha, come on in." I smiled softly, allowing him inside. Naruto and Menma looked a little confused. "This is my older brother. He'll be joining us for dinner tonight!"

"Cool, hi!" Naruto ran up to Itachi and shook hands with him. "Damn, you guys have such a resemblance... It's crazy." Naruto chuckled.

"Who's at the door papa?" Menma looked at Naruto in confusion, then to Itachi, even more confused.

Menma was always a little closer to Naruto, which was actually cute to see play out. Naruto acts tough most of the time but he's a good father.

"Menma, this is your other papa's brother. He's your uncle!" Naruto said playfully, and Menma joyfully jumped and ran to hug Itachi.

Itachi smiled gently and hugged back. "Well then, hello little man!" Itachi laughed, bending to his knees. "Your name is Menma? Pretty cute. I guess it's no surprise since Naruto loves ramen."

He shook Menma's hand and eventually we went to dinner, talking about how we all talked, and I talked to Naruto about my childhood with Itachi.

It was odd, everything felt so... Different, now. It's a good change, but it's definitely a big one.

To think I was on the streets at on point...

"Okay, I've gotta put Menma to bed." I said with a smile and I kissed Naruto on the forehead before leaving.

Menma always loved bedtime stories. But this time he didn't ask for a specific book. "Papa... How did you and dad meet?" Menma said in a cute voice.

"Well..." I softly smiled, thinking back to it.

"We were roommates."


Okay, let's not talk about how I'm complete shit at endings. LMFAOOO

Anyway, this pretty much sums up the series. Hope you enjoyed it! Please stay tuned for my appreciation chapter, and if you stuck around this far, thank you so much. It means so so much to me. I think I've really improved my writing.

I wrote this pretty quickly, actually. I thought for sure it'd take a long time to sort out everything, but I think I've got it all figured out.

Hope you enjoyed this long series, loves.

823 words

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