The End

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~Bucky's Ending~

As I wake up I feel two arms holding me tightly. I smile and roll over and face Bucky. I kiss his nose, Good morning. I say quietly.

Mmm not yet, lets just lay here a little bit longer. Bucky whines holding me tighter. I wish I could But I have to get up and make breakfast for everyone and get the kids to school. I say with a smile running my fingers through buckys scruff.

We both get up, I make the kids eggs and bacon for breakfast and I make me and Buck a cup of coffee.

Can Daddy 2 take us to school? Mia asks. I giggle at how they call Bucky daddy 2. I'm sorry sweety but he's got some things to do this morning so I'll be taking y'all. I say with a smile.

Aww okay. They said together. How about this, if y'all are good get yalls homework done we can go to the park after school. Bucky says with a smile.

Really?! Mommy pleasee! Dean says with a pleading look. Only if y'all are good and get all your homework done. I say in a stern yet playful tone.

Yayy! Mia, Luna, and Dean say together. Bucky pulls me in for a hug before I leave. Be careful. I say putting my face in the crook of his neck. always am. Bucky says with a smirk.

We pull away he brings me in for a small kiss. You be careful as well. Bucky says kissing my head. Always am. I say with a smirk.

Once I got the kids to school I headed back home to do laundry and clean the house. "It's been a year since Clint and Laura got married and even have a kid together, they are planning on having more."

Me and Bucky just kinda happened, we saved our money up and got us a place together and of course Bruce and the rest of the team wanted to help aswell. Nat kept pushing us to each other,

"Even though Clint is my best friend and I loved y'all together he messed up big time, and I really think you and Bucky should give each other a chance, He loves your kids and they obviously love him, YOU obviously love him and HE obviously loves you and HE understands what you've been through." Nat's words to me.

"I feel like I'm holding him back, maybe I don't make him happy, what if I don't make my kids happy.... Maybe Nat should've left me for dead.... What if he won't like that fact that I'm pregnant with his kid, will he be okay with that, will he leave."

I feel two arms snake around my waist. Stop, I know what you're thinking and it's not true. I hear Bucky speak softly in my ear. I lean into his chest as he holds me.

How was therapy? I ask changing the subject. It was good, she said I'm making improvement. Bucky says as he plants a kiss on my neck.

He turns me around so I'm facing him but I can't look him in the eyes. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him, but I still avoid eye contact.

Look at me Doll. Bucky says in a soft but demanding tone. I finally look him in the eyes, it's like he's telling me exactly how he feels without even saying anything. Bucky leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips.

I. Love. You. You. Make. Me. Happy. Bucky says between kisses. I smile as a tears falls down my face. "Maybe he'll be okay with it after all, I think I'll tell him when we take the kids to the park."

I'm not ever leaving you Doll, and your kids love you and need you. Bucky says softly caressing my face in his hands now. I lean into his touch.

Lets watch movie and relax before we get the kids. I nod and follow him to the living room. Once it was time to get the kids me and Bucky got in the van and drove to the school to pick the kids up.

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