secrets revealed

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⚠️curse words⚠️

~It's the next morning~

I wake up and pick up my phone and look at my phone is 10:00 am. I'm getting out of bed to get ready when last nights memories dawn on me.

I notice Bucky's gone. Was that just a dream? I start to panic not knowing what to do except doing what I always do best. Runaway.

As I'm packing a bag my doors open. Shit how the hell did I forget to lock the door. I think to myself. Nat walks in.

What are you doing? Nat asks. Can you lock the door please? I ask. Uhm yeah she walks in and locks it behind her.

I-I can't stay here Nat it's dangerous for everyone even you. I say. No, no, no, you are not leaving again you got that! Nat snap.

What happen? did Clint do something? Nat ask. No, no clint didn't do anything. I say. I uhm I got another memory well, more like memories. I say.

What do mean memories as in more than one, is that possible? Nat ask. I don't know but it happened last night. I had a memory from hydra talking about how I failed the mission but I couldn't remember what mission that they were talking about so they made me remember everything.. I explain.

What was the mission about? Nat asks. Uhm.. it was after bucky escaped hydra they sent me on a mission to kill someone here at the compound.. I say.

Wait you was inside the compound and the alarms didn't go off. Nat says. Lets just say supposedly I'm really good at disarming alarms. I say with a nervous smile.

Who was your mission Joyce? Nat ask. Uhm.. it was Clint... I say looking away. Wait, Clint was your mission? Nat ask.

Supposedly yeah.. they Said it was my mission to kill him or else. After I disarmed the alarm I walked in the compound and saw him laying on the couch.

I walked over to him and raised my dagger but then someone came in and charged at me and that's when I woke up. I explain. O my god. Nat say. So you still don't want me to leave? I ask.

Look we can figure this out together Joyce, okay let's just talk to the others.. Nat says with a sigh. That's where your wrong. I say.

You want me to stay but if they find out they will want me gone. Hydra still has access to my mind Nat I can't risk anyone's lives Nat. I state.

Look you can tell the others just tell them once I'm gone. I say as I get up and grab my bag. Where are you gonna go Joyce? Nat asks. I don't know but I'll miss you Nat, and there's two things I need you to know before I leave. I say. What is it? Nat says.

One I remember Yelena I remember how we never really got along but still would stand up for each other. And two I will miss you and I love you Nat, you are the best thing that has happen to me but sometimes good things have to come to an end. I say with tears in my eyes.

I'm sorry Joyce. Nat says. I look at her confused. Why? I ask. She shot me with a dart gun and before I know it I'm out....

I'm waking up and I'm back in my bed. I look around and don't see anyone in here. I get up to grab my bag but it's gone.


All the sudden the door opens and I see Clint walk in.. Uhm... hey whats up? I ask. He just looks at me with sad eyes. I'm guessing she told y'all. I said.

Yeah.. look Joyce it was Hydra not you, plus I just wanted to check on you she mention she shot you with a dart gun before you had a chance to leave.. again... he says with an annoyed tone.

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