A dream final part

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                                                ~Clints pov~

It's been 5 months and nothing every once and while she'll speak a few words like no or please come back or I'm sorry.

The baby's been good, very healthy turns out were having twins, we're hoping she will wake up before the babies come.

Hey Clint, how's she doing? Wanda asks. Nat comes walking in after %Wanda. She seems to be doing fine, I just wish she would wake up soon. I say nervously.

Hey, Clint I have good news. Bruce says walking up to me with Tony. What is it? I ask with a confused look.

We found a way to take the power out of her, the one that causes death and pain. Tony says moving his hand around.

Yeah, Yeah, I get it Tony, Is it safe since she's carrying my babies. I say looking between the two. Yes, from the information and tests we've ran it will go just fine. Bruce says with a smile.

As long as it's safe go ahead with it. I say taking a deep breath. I'm waiting outside to hear some news, it's probably been an hour and Bruce and tony coming walking out of the room.

It's done the babies are safe and that power is out of her. Tony says with a smile patting me on my shoulder.

Thanks guys. I say with a small smile. I walk back in the room and sit next to her bed and put her hand in mine. 

 She's strong Clint she'll get through this. Nat says with a kind smile. How do you know though? I ask getting irritated.

Because I'm her sister she's the strongest person I know. Nat says putting a hand on my shoulder. Hey guys how is she?! peter asks walking and everyone else comes in aswell.

Nothing's changed just yet. I say staring her. she looks so peaceful. I think to myself. I think I might have an idea but it's up to Wanda if she thinks she can handle it. Dr. Strange says.

What is it? Wanda asks. What if there's a way for you to take Clint in her head with you and maybe she'll listen to him. Dr. Strange says.

I think that's a great idea that means she'll wake up faster. Tony says. Do you mind if I spend some alone time with her to think this over? I ask looking down. Everyone quietly exits the room. 

                                       ~ teams pov~

Alright Plan B. Morgan baby! Tony yells. Yes daddy. Morgan says running into the room. Why don't you go in there and try to cheer Clint up? Tony asks with a smile.

Okay! she says with a smile, then runs into the room with Clint. Do you think this will work? Bruce asks. It's gotta, Morgan is the best when it comes to cheering someone up. Peter says with a smile.

                                      ~Clints pov~

What would have caused this? was this my fault? I should've asked her how she felt about kids... I think to myself.

Please come back to me Joyce I need you sweetheart. I say quietly. I hear little feet run in the room. Hey Mr. Barton! Morgan says.

Hey Morgan! what Ya up to? I ask. I wanted to come see you and Mrs. Barton. I laugh a little at her calling Joyce Mrs. Barton, we haven't even got fully married yet. 

 Don't worry she'll wake up real soon! she says excitedly. You think so? I ask raising an eyebrow. She has too she's really strong. Morgan says looking at Joyce.

Out of nowhere Joyce jolts in her bed breathing heavy. Joyce baby you okay. I ask cupping her face with my hands making her look at me, she starts crying.

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