Chapter 20

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Note: Sorry for not updating this story so often. I'm working on another stork, check it out if you'd like!

Yn Pov:
I woke up in my dorm, I wasn't used to that. Normally I would wake up with Mattheo next to me. I stood up, got ready and walked towards Mattheo's dorm. I knocked before I walked in. "Who's that?" I coud hear Theodore say. "It's Yn, where is Mattheo?" I ask him. "I don't know but wanna-" I couldn't hear the rest of his sentence bc I walked towards the common room.

I was looking everywhere for Mattheo but I coudln't find him. "I give up." I say and I walk towards Blaise and Draco to have breakfast with them. 

"Hey whats up?" Blaise asks me. "Can't find Theo." I say and at that moment someone hugs me from behind. "You found me." Mattheo says and sits next to me. "Where were you?" I ask him. "I went to Dumbledore to ask if Nott could get a separate dorm." "And?" Blaise, Draco and I ask. "He is gonna think about it. I hope he is gonna remove Nott from my dorm, or else I will tell my father." He says.

After breakfast I had DADA with professor Lupin. Mattheo, Blaise, Draco & Pansy had the same class so we went togheter. "Good morning class today we are going to handle bogarts! Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?" Lupin asks us. I put my hand up, so did Granger. 

"Potter, tell us what boggarts are." I clear my throat and I begin talking. "A boggarts is an amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of its observers worst fear. No one knows how an boggart actually looks like." Professor Lupin begans to clap. "Well done Yn! 5 points to Slytherin. I have a boggarts in this closet right here." Lupin says and he points at a closet. The closet was shaking around, like the boggarts wanted to escape. 

"I'm going to open the closet door and the boggarts is going to shape-shift into your fear. Then you get your wand and you say: Ridiculous! Repeat it with me." "Ridiculous!" Everyone repeats. "This class is ridiculous." I hear Draco say and I push him. 

"Great job everyone! Get in a line so we can begin!" Lupin says and everyone quickly stands in line, I was third in line. Blaise was first, than Mattheo and then me. "Okay Zabini get your wand ready!" Professor Lupin said and he opened the closet door. And believe it or not but his mother as a actual over-sized black widow spider walked out. Everybody laughed but Lupin and I didn't.  Blaise got his wand ready and yelled: "Ridiculous!" after Blaise it was Mattheo's turn. 

"Get your wand ready Riddle." Lupin says and he opens the closet. A strange looking man walks out of the closet. He is kind greenish, bald an he has no nails. Wait. That's youknowwho.. "Ridiculous!" Mattheo says and voldemort changes into a small little 'infant'.

"Woah carefull there!" Lupin says and everyone is in shock. So is Mattheo. "Anyways. Yn its ur turn." Lupin says. I get my wand ready and wait till Lupin opens the door. "3, 2,1" He says and he opens the door. 

Mattheo walks out of the door, yelling at me. "You are a slut, and ur using me!" The boggart says.   I know that it is just a boggart but I get sad and I dont do anything. "Ridiculous!" I say after a few seconds. The boggart turns into the mattheo i know. "Are you okay?" Lupin asks me. "Yes I am, dont worry." I say and I walk towards the real mattheo. 

"Come here." He says hugging me tight. "Dont be scared of me okay, you know that it wasn't my intention the other time." He says kissing me. "I know." I say and I hug him.  After class everyone walks up to me. 

"Does Riddle hurt you?" - "I told you he isnt good for you." - "Just leave him." - "His last name is Riddle for a reason." I hear people say to me. "Guys stop! He doesn't hurt me, its just something im scared of! He is very loving. Dont worry about me." I say and I walk away.

Great. People think im getting abused by Mattheo right now. He only called men a slut once, but that one time hurted a lot. "Hey, wanna go to hogsmeade after school?" Someone says. I look up and its Theodore Nott. "Ofcourse not. Im already going with Mattheo, Blaise and Pansy." I say and I walk away.

"Come on! We both know that Riddle isnt good for you. Leave him for me." Nott says. I stop for a second, walk back to him and smack him. When I remove my hand, my handprint is on his face. "Omg im so so sorry, I was getting annoyed." I say. "You little piece of-" He can't finish his sentence bc Mattheo beats him up. 

"Shut the fuck up and leave her alone." He says after he's done. "Are you okay?" He asks me. I was in shock with what just happened. "Uh yeah? I think its better if I dont go to Hogsmaede." I say and I walk away. 

Nott had the right to cuss at me. I hit him, but at the other side he's also wrong. 

A/N: Sorry for this shitty chapter lol

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