Chapter 15

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Mattheo woke me up at 6 bc the train back to London was leaving at 7:30. "I'm gonna shower real quick." I said and I stepped into the shower. When I was done i walked back to Mattheo and he was checking the suitcases. "Let's have breakfast." I said and we walked downstairs.

"Yn! Are you exited?" Hermione asked me. "Yes I indeed am!!" I said and we are breakfast. When it was 7 Everyone was done eating so we said goodbye to everyone and we walked to the train. "What if ur parents don't like me?" Mattheo asked me. "Don't be silly! Ofc they'd like you!" I said. And I really meant it.

When we were in the train we had our own cabin. "I'm so boreeeeddd!" Mattheo said and he put his arm around me and pulled me towards him. "Let's play T or D!" Ginny said. "Okay I'll begin, Mattheo T or D?" Hermione asked.  "Truth." Mattheo said. "What's your fav thing about Yn?" Mattheo looked at me and said: "Her eyes, I sometimes I'm lost in them." I gave him a kiss and he said: "Yn, T or D?" I looked at him and I said: "Dare!" He smiled and said: "Give me a kiss." I rolled my eyes and I kissed him. Hermione laughed.

Before I could talk a old women with a trolley asked: "anything from the trolley dears?" I looked to her and asked: "Can I have 5 chocolate frogs please?" - "yes Ofc dear, that gonna be ....€." I looked at Harry and said: "Harry give me money I'm broke." Harry gave me the money and the old lady said: "I think she is using you for money dear." And looked at Harry. "Ma'am she is my twin." Harry said. "Never mind never mind, have a free frog!" The woman said and she gave me the frogs."

Everybody bought candy except Mattheo. I opened a chocolate frog and I took a bite. "Can I have a bite? Pleaaase?" Mattheo asked me. "Yes you can here." I let him take a bite but he wanted more and more bites. "Here have the whole frog." I said while rolling my eyes. "Thank you love!" He said and he ate the frog.

"Hermione T or D." I asked. "Truth!" She said. "Have you ever had a crush on someone?" I asked. "Yes on Draco.." she said. "Ngl that would be cute, Dramione!" I said and I laughed. A half hour later Mattheo fell asleep on me and Hermione Ofc had to take a picture of us.

"Y'all are disgusting

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"Y'all are disgusting." Harry said. I smirked and I also fell asleep. "Yn, Mattheo. Wake up we are here!" Hermione said and we woke up.

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