Chapter 1 | One Night Stand

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Enjoy, but please read the description if you haven't already!


3rd POV

One day. That's all it takes to get kicked out of your own home. While being abused at home, Sasuke Uchiha got kicked out by his father, who hardly wanted to deal with Sasuke, desperate for a home as he was already reaching 22 years old, still having trouble get a job.

"Agh..." Sasuke wiped the blood from his nose, picking up his coat that his father threw at him. "Asshole." He muttered, soon leaving.

He walked around for a while, nobody coming to help him. Sasuke sighed. "Damn it..." He got out his wallet, which held $1.67.


Another man tapped on Sasuke's shoulder. "Sir, do you need some money? You look homeless,"

His voice was rather raspy but somehow higher pitched. Sasuke turned around, seeing a blonde. "Ah, yes..." the raven muttered.

The blonde gasped. "Holy shit! What happened to your face?? Are you alright??" His hand reached the side of his face, where a large cut was. He gently touched it, running his smooth finger across it.

"I'm fine..." Sasuke moved the man's hand away. "Please don't touch me." Sasuke said, his eyes deadened.

The blonde nodded. "Sorry... Here," he handed the raven $75. "It's not too much, but it's all I have on me right now."

Sasuke bowed, thanking him. The blonde rubbed the back of his head. "No need to bow... I did it because you're hurt and homeless." He laughed nervously.

Sasuke thanked him once again, still. That's just how he was.

That one interaction is all that Sasuke knew Naruto Uzumaki by; a rich man who somehow found Sasuke on the streets.

Sasuke finally managed to get a job. He got by really cheap motels, lucky for him.

"Aghhh," Sasuke slurred, asking for another drink of vodka. Naruto, the blonde he saw before, appeared in front of him. "Ahh, no way...." Sasuke muttered upon seeing him.

"Yooouu? What's your name handsomeee~?" His voice slurred. Naruto had just arrived. "Ah, you? That homeless guy I saw a few months ago? What're you doing at a bar?? And you're all drunk..." Naruto said nervously.

"Sssshut up, what's your nammee!" Sasuke called out, and Naruto answered. "Naruto Uzumaki..." He muttered.

Sasuke chuckled, pulling his arms around Naruto. "How about we get a hotel?" Sasuke whispered through his slurs.

Naruto awkwardly held Sasuke, confused. "W-what?" His face turned pink. "You're so drunk Sasuke..."

"Fine, if you can't take me to a hotel, then take me to the bathroom." Sasuke smiled, still keeping his arms wrapped around Naruto.

"S-Sasuke..." Naruto mumbled, biting his lower lip.

Sasuke suddenly woke up in somebody else's bed, confused. Especially considering he was naked.

Who did I sleep with? What the hell's going on?!

His thoughts raced, as he turned to see none other than Naruto Uzumaki.

But... Isn't he that guy that helped me not too long ago?

All Sasuke could remember is that he was drunk. As the day progressed, he remembered more and more, slowly. He remembered clinging to a man with blonde hair.

And then he remembered what happened after, too. I just had sex with Naruto... What's wrong with me...?!

Sasuke's mind ran wild. He had left immediately after waking up, not waiting for Naruto. He didn't care. He just wanted all of it to go away.

But for some reason, he couldn't.
He remembered the exact way Naruto touched him, and the exact way he moaned for Naruto.

A one night stand with a rich guy I met off the streets. What a joke.

Sasuke grabbed a cigarette, soon lighting it with a long sigh. I'll just have to avoid him if I see him.


Ok! I am insanely tired, so I'm going to sleep. Thanks for reading chapter 1 of Roommates!!

640 words

Roommates ~ NaruSasuOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora