Chapter XLIV

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When Fred entered the office of the shop the next morning, George was already sitting at his desk over a stack of papers.

He looked up and grinned.

„Rough night?“ he joked and Fred groaned in response.

„Don’t ask. Do we have some sobering potion left here?“ he rummaged through the boxes on the shelves until he finally found what he was looking for after George pointed to the box with the potions in it.

He took a big sip and felt the relief after a few seconds.

„I deserved that.“ he ran both hands over his face and looked at George.

„I won’t deny that, mate,“ he said seriously.

„What happened?“ he continued, seeing his twin’s contrite face.

„We were arguing. Or something. I don’t even know if it was an argument. It’s just all so complicated right now,“ he explained and George put down his pen and leaned back in his chair.

„So complicated that you’re seeing someone else?“ he decided to address the elephant in the room and Fred’s face turned red.

„I don’t meet anyone else.“ he immediately denied and approached George.

„Fred mate, don’t lie to me, I saw you the other day.“ he explained and Fred’s face turned from red to pale.

He was quiet for a moment before speaking.

„Are you spying on me?“ was all he asked and George rolled his eyes.

„Yes, Fred! I’ve done that!“, Fred hadn’t expected this honest answer and was taken back.

„Okay, listen,“ he walked even closer to George, resting his hands on the desk.

„I told you it was about a new product for our shop,“ he repeated, sticking to his version of the story.

„Why aren’t you talking to me?“ George asked.

„But I do!“ Fred slammed a hand on the desk and George raised an eyebrow, amazed at his brother’s outburst.

„I’ve told everything. And now I’ve had enough with this shit.“ he tried to end the conversation but had made the plan without George.

The younger twin now also stood up and mirrored Fred’s posture by also leaning on the desk.

„You know Penny thinks you’re cheating on her, right?“ he looked him straight in the eyes.

„That’s bullshit. And I’m fed up with being accused of it all the time!“ he raised his voice.

„Then finally tell me what you did with that woman if you didn’t fuck her!“, George’s voice also got louder.

„I don’t have to justify myself at all.“, he replied and with that he left the room, leaving George behind.

Fred found himself on his way to the only person he wanted to see right now.

With quick steps, he walked down the streets of London until he stopped in front of the house he had visited so often in the last few weeks.

He went up the stairs to the door and knocked twice loudly.

After a moment the door opened.

„Fred?“ the pretty blonde asked in astonishment.

„Sorry for the sudden appearance. I didn’t know where else to go.“, he said sheepishly and looked down at his feet.

„It’s okay, come in.“ she smiled, her white teeth shining.

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