Chapter XLVII

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When Penny’s feet hit the ground in Grimmauld Place, she immediately collapsed. She buried her face in both hands and finally let all the build up emotions run free.

Tears streamed down her face as loud sobs filled the dark surroundings of the living room.

The pain was almost unbearable and laced itself tightly around Penny’s heart like a constrictor, suffocating it.

Every cell in her body was screaming, screaming for peace, for the pain that had been built up for weeks to finally stop.

Her body was crying out for peace, for calm, for Fred.


Everything in her screamed for Fred.

She rolled into a fetal position and waited for exhaustion to finally give her the much-needed release, but that release never came.

Instead, her body rebelled, finding it increasingly difficult to breathe as the tears that flowed incessantly turned her eyes crimson.

She had no idea how much time had passed before Remus found her and gently wrapped his arms around her.

He kept talking to her, calling for Sirius, but she heard nothing.

The only thing she heard were the silent screams for Fred from her subconscious.

„Want to talk about it now?“ Remus asked after Penny’s breathing had finally returned to normal.

Sirius took a seat on the large couch and Penny nodded.

„Okay, come here.“ Remus stood up and carefully pulled Penny onto the couch so that she was sitting between the two men.

Sirius summoned three glasses and a bottle of firewiskey.

„Not for me.“ she murmured and Sirius gave her a questioning look.


„I’m pregnant.“ she fiddled with her wedding ring while Sirius‘ jaw dropped and Remus choked on air.

„You are what? Who is the father? And how did that happen?“ Remus took the bottle from Sirius and took a long gulp.

„Pregnant. Fred of course. And I won’t tell you how that happened,“ she said softly.

„But – how? How far along? Does Fred know? What about Fred?“ it was Sirius who asked the questions now.

„11 weeks I think. Fred knows,“ she replied, sadness evident in her voice.

„He didn’t cheated. He’s in therapy. He’s seeing a therapist.“ it felt like an enormous weight was lifted from her shoulders after she finally told Remus and Sirius.

„Okay, hang on. I’m not exactly sure if I heard you correctly.“, Remus began, receiving a warning look from Sirius.

„So you’re telling us you‘re pregnant. 11 weeks already. And – and Fred is seeing a fucking therapist?“ he summarized what Penny had told, the latter only nodded.

„All of this because he was seeing a therapist? What, for the sake of Merlin’s left ball, was his problem? I mean – why didn’t he tell you?“, Sirius asked and Penny shrugged.

„He could have just told you.“, Remus shook his head in disbelief.

„Fucking git.“ Sirius added and that was it for Penny.

She got up from the sofa and put her hands on her hips as she looked at her two fathers.

„I just told you I’m pregnant and you have nothing better to do than keep getting upset about Fred. Don’t you want to congratulate me? Or ask how I’m doing? Or ask if I even want to keep the child?“ , she yelled and the two men looked at each other with wide eyes.

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