Chapter XXI

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Warning - slight mature content, violence

While Ron was constantly glued to Lavender’s lips and Harry was busy with his potions book that belonged to the Half Blood Prince, I spent more time with Hermione.

The curly-haired girl and I mostly spent the time between classes in the library or together in the common room.

„Oh no please don’t. Hide me! Cormac is coming towards us.“, my friend sank into her chair and tried to hide behind my body.

Apparently, Cormac McLaggen, Gryffindor student in my year, had taken a liking to her. Much to Hermione’s displeasure. Not only did she just dislike McLaggen, no, she was miserably in love with Ron, even if she still refused to admit it.

Cormac came straight up to us and stood behind us, neither of us looking at him.

When he cleared his throat, I turned to him and raised an eyebrow?

„Can I help you?“ I asked in a dull voice.

„No, but maybe Granger can.“ he winked at me and looked with a lopsided grin at Hermione, who was still not looking up from her essay.

„Sorry Hermione is not interested,“ I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

„I’d like to hear that from her myself, I know that she can’t resist me.“, He said and I felt the urge to throw up at his feet.

„Now listen, you –„, before I could finish my sentence, Hermione put a hand on my shoulder, I looked at her questioningly.

„It’s okay, thank you Penny.“, she smiled at me and then turned to Cormac.

„Listen, I’m not interested. Just leave me alone, okay?“, she kindly said.

Hermione is just too nice for her own good.

Cormac just laughed and was about to touch her, so I got up and stood in front of Hermione.

„I think it’s enough now. No means no. Go find someone else, if you are as irresistible as you think, then that shouldn’t be a problem.“ I said seriously. He laughed and shook his head and looked past me at Hermione.

„You know where to find me if you change your mind.“, and with that he left. I sat down again and looked at Hermione.

„You’re too nice. You have to tell him clearly.“, I opened my notebook and took my quill.

„I know, but I just can’t,“ she sighed and let her head fall on the table.

Oh Hermione...

The next few weeks passed surprisingly calm, with the exception of one incident.

Harry, headless as he is sometimes, used Sectumsempra on Malfoy, a curse he didn’t knew and that he had found in this stupid book, he’d been walking around with the last weeks . Luckily for him, Snape was there quickly before Draco bleed to death.

Except for detention, Harry got off lightly. Honestly, I didn’t  fancy visiting the boy I consider my brother in Azkaban. And Sirius definitely would have had my head for that.

So after that little stunt he pulled, we forced him to get rid of that book, before he would manage to actually kill someone.

Around the same time, I received a letter from Remus. Just as I was about to eat my breakfast, an envelope landed right in front of me. I opened it immediately and read.

We are aware that Rubina has been sighted. We don’t know what she’s planning and whether you are safe. Take care of yourself, be careful, petal. Love, Dad x

Semper  - Fred Weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें