Chapter I

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I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to the soft sound of Abba, that came out of my headphones. Another night in which I was unable to fall asleep. Harry's sleeping in the bed next to me. Actually it's more like a single mattress. The Dursley's said we can either share a proper bed or each of us have their own mattress.

Not that I mind sharing a bed with Harry, we did it a lot, but since we're getting older we need more space. Like most nights Harry was tossing in his bed. I wondered what he's dreaming this time. He had this bad dreams for as long as I could remember.

The downside of being the "chosen one". But what's good about being the chosen one? I wouldn't want to trade. Harry had the same fate as me. Our parents died on Halloween 1981 at the hands of Voldemort. Or at least his parents and my mother died. My father was missing since that night but nobody knows if he's still alive or what happened to him.

Harry and I lived with our aunt and uncle and their son ever since that night.

It was horrible, at first we had to share a "room" in the cupboard under the stairs. Harry was allowed to leave the cupboard and to eat with them. Sometimes he was also allowed to go to the zoo or to the mall with them. But not me.

Aunt Petunia can't look at me. I've always wondered why, now that I'm older I know it's because I look exactly like my mother. I have her dark red hair and light green eyes. One day she said "Whenever I look at you, I see them. You disgust me. You're just as much of a freak as my sisters." I couldn't wait to get away from here and move in with Sirius and Remus. And Harry of course.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. We met them last year. Sirius is Harry's godfather, he was in Azkaban for twelve years because they blamed him for the murder of our parents. Turned out it wasn't him, it was a man named Peter Pettigrew. Also a friend of our parents. That coward betrayed them to Voldemort that night. And Remus Lupin, he is my godfather. He was our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, but because he is a Werewolf, he had to quit. Now Sirius and Remus live together and plan to take us in. But as long as Sirius' innocence wasn't proven, it wasn't possible.

"Penny, are you awake?" I heard him saying. I took out my headphones and looked at him.

"I am. Had a bad dream again, wanna tell me about?" I walked over to his mattress, he made space for me to lie down beside him.

"There was a muggle groundskeeper. And a house. But I've never seen it before. The groundskeeper went up the stairs in the house. There were men talking. One of them was Wormtail. And the other was... it was him.. You-Know-Who. I saw him in this dream. There was also a big snake. I can't remember the conversation. There was a third man, but I couldn't recognize him. They knew that the groundskeeper was listening, they used the killing curse on him. And he saw me, Penny... V-voldemort saw me." I could feel Harry shaking beside me and scooted closer to him.

"We need to tell someone.", I said, nervously playing with the rings on my fingers.

"What about Dumbledore?", Harry asked and I  let out a laugh.
Yeah, right, let's tell Dumbledore.
"What?", he asked again.

"I'd rather not tell him. Not yet at least. What did this man ever do for you, that really had helped you?", I looked directly into his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

He huffed, got up and walked over to our desk to get out some parchment and a quill.

"I'm not having this conversation again. So, who should I tell?" I was getting up too, standing behind him at the desk, leaning with my forearms on the back of the chair.

"I think the best idea is to write to Sirius and Remus. I bet they know what to do.", I said. And so he did. He attached the letter to Hedwig's leg and sent her off. Little did I know, that he said nothing about his dream in this letter.

AN: It's getting better.. I promise.. stay safe..

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