Chapter XXXII

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Warning - mention of death

Percy knelt by Fred and shook his brother.

Blood ran from Fred’s nose and ears.

And Percy panicked when Ron approached them.

„No. Please wake up, Fred. Wake up!“ Percy shook him and Ron stared at him, unable to find the words.

Hermione collapsed sobbing as Harry reached the three brothers, one of them was lying lifeless on the floor.

„We have to get him out of here. We have to get him into the Great Hall,“ Harry said nervously and Percy clung to his brother’s body.

„No! This is all my fault.“ Harry pulled Percy away from Fred with the help of Ron.

„It’s not your fault, Percy. Come on, help us get his body out of here,“ Harry said in a calm voice, even though he was about to collapse himself and finally Percy nodded.

Together they levitated him into the Great Hall, unable to say anything on their way, and careful to not let anything happen to Fred.

When they reached the great hall, Professor McGonagall came towards them.

„Oh my dear, no, what happened?“ she asked worried as she laid eyes on the lifeless body of one of her favorite students, of a boy who she had known since he was eleven years old.

„I- I – he’s dead.. It’s my fault.“, Percy sobbed.

„No, no. It’s not.“, she tried to calm him down, while she waved for Poppy Pomfrey to come over.

Madam Pomfrey, who was busy with another injured student, sent the Ravenclaw student who helped her to them, as they carefully put him on a stretcher next to the other witches and wizards who didn’t made it out alive.

„George, watch out!“ Penny shouted when she saw a Death Eater coming from behind, but it was too late, but just as the Death Eater was disarming George, they heard a voice.

Voldemort’s voice.

„I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, then battle recommences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me. One hour.“

„Are you okay?“ she asked as she knelt down next to George, trying to not let the words get to her.

„Yeah. Thanks. Let’s go, we have to go to the Great Hall and find the others.“ George replied and Penny nodded.

Together they made their way into the Great Hall.

The view that was offered to them let their blood froze in their veins.

There were injured and dead students everywhere.

Penny’s heart started beating wildly and George took her hand.

They saw the group of red heads at the other end of the hall, standing around a body.

„George…. Where’s Fred?“ Penny’s voice trembled as she looked at her best friend and then they started running.

Penny reached the group first.

„Who is that? Let me through!“ she screamed and the others looked at her.

And as she took one look at the body lying there on the stretcher, her world stopped.

George, who appeared behind her, immediately collapsed next to his twin, but Penny just stood there.

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