Chapter XXVII

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Penny jumped off the bed screaming for her life. When she turned around, Fred and Sirius were already standing in the room with worried expressions.

Before anyone could say anything, she ran to her boyfriend and buried her face in his chest, the ginger’s hands immediately finding their way to her head and stroking her hair soothingly.

„What happened?“ he asked quietly, looking to Sirius for help, who was just as clueless, looking from his husband’s corpse to his adopted daughter.

It was not easy for the man to be here, as he had vowed never to set foot in this room again.

Of course, Sirius said goodbye, he spent hours at his husband’s side after they brought him back here.

But after that, no, after that, he couldn’t bring himself to see him anymore. He was sure one more look at his Moony’s body and he would irrevocably lose his mind.

He would go straight to Azkaban and willingly face the Dementors, because what could be worst than losing your soul when you’d already lost your heart?

But all those thoughts were worthless in that moment, because the words Penny spoke after she found her voice would stay in his head until the day he took his last breath.

„He moved,“ she whispered, barely audible.

„I’m sorry, what?“

„Come again.“ Sirius and Fred said in unison staring at the girl who now sat on the floor, afraid her legs would no longer be able to carry her.

„He – he moved.“ Her voice trembled as she slowly looked over to the bed and looked at Remus. He was still lying motionless and the other two men in the room were now looking at her in concern.

„Okay, Penny, that’s normal, your brain can play tricks on you sometimes - “ Sirius tried to calm her down, now he was the one looking at Fred for help.

„No, no. He was breathing.“, she cried.

Fred stood up while Sirius took his seat next to Penny, slowly and respectfully walking towards Remus‘ body and kneeling down at his head like Penny had done a few minutes ago.

He watched his former teacher, but saw no movement. He turned to Sirius and Penny and shook his head, which made the girl cry even harder and also brought tears to the eyes of the man who had been through so much.

Fred stood up and took one last look at the man who should have been his father-in-law.

„Holy fucking Merlin, Jesus, Zeus whoever’s out there, fucking shit.“ he yelled, staring into Remus‘ face, whose eyes were now open and piercing his own.

„Alert the order. Whoever has time has to come and we need a healer, Poppy Pomfrey if possible. His eyes are open. “ Fred turned to Sirius who was staring at him open-mouthed, all color drained from his face as well out of Penny’s, who was now sitting in the corner of the room, her knees drawn up to her body, her arms wrapped around them and her head buried between her knees, as she rocked back and forth.

Sirius, not understanding what was happening, called for Kreacher, still not wanting to leave Penny’s side.

The old little house-elf appeared in the room and bowed to the Black heir.

„Kreacher’s here, what can Kreacher do to help the master?“ he murmured in his usual monotonous voice.

„The members of the Order must come, and Pomfrey too.“ Fred repeated what he had said before and looked at the house-elf.

„Kreacher doesn’t take orders from filthy blood traitors. Kreacher only serves the heirs of the noble house of Black.“ The elf said grumpy.

„Kreacher you little piece of scum, do as he said!“ Sirius yelled at him.

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