Chapter XVII

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Warning - death, sexual assault

After a few nights of detention, my hand was a mess. Fred took good care of me and made sure my hand was okay. At that point I didn’t even feel the pain anymore, it was just numb.

Tonight we were practicing the Patronus Charm when Dobby suddenly appeared in the room of requirements and warned us that Umbridge was on her way. Turned out later that Marietta Edgecombe had snitched on us, gladly Hermione’s charm worked and exposed her.

Some of us managed to escape unnoticed, but Harry was caught.

Umbridge took him to Dumbledore, who took all the blame and should therefore be escorted by Kingsley Shacklebolt and John Dawlish to Azbakan.

But Dumbledore wouldn’t be Dumbledore if he hadn’t made a dramatic exit.

With the help of Fawkes, he went into hiding.

Umbridge, who now had the opportunity, became Headmistress and things only went further down.

Fred and I spent every free minute together, knowing that Fred would be leaving soon.

„Hey Penny.“ I was sitting in the great hall doing my homework when Fred appeared behind me. I took a quick glance over my shoulder, his ginger hair softly bouncing with every step he took, Merlin was I glad he didn’t cut it as short as George did.

I fully turned around and he greeted me with a kiss on my cheek, my eyes fell on the small envelope he was holding.

„What is that?“ I asked him and made space for him to sat down.

„Your name is on it. I have just come from the owlery and wanted to bring it to you.“, he put his right leg over the bench and sat down sideways next to me, so that he could face me. I carefully took the letter out of his hands and opened it, holding it so that Fred was able to read, too.

I can’t give details! Harry is not allowed to go to the Ministry. It’s a trap!

I stared at the letter and didn’t understand a word, I looked at Fred, whose expression resembled mine.

„What is that supposed to mean?“ I frowned and tried to explain to myself what my father could mean.

„I have no idea. Why would Harry want to go to the Ministry?“, asked Fred, filling our glasses with fresh pumpkin juice.

I watched him accidentally spill some juice on the table and wipe it up with a napkin.

„Seriously Fred, I’m tired of all this shit.“ I sighed and buried my head in my hands, fighting the urge to pound it hard against the table.

„I know, sweetheart,“ he gently stroked my head.

„Sweetheart? This is new.“ I laughed at the new pet name and Fred’s face turned soft red.

„But I like it.“, I responded and he grinned widely, dimples forming on his cheeks, I leaned forward to press a soft kiss on the left one.

„Look, I distracted you a bit.“, he nudged me with his elbow. I loved this little moments between us, where he made me forget all around me.

„And I appreciate it, but I just want to know what it all means.“, I huffed, folded the letter and put it in my school uniform while Fred fiddled with the napkin he used to wipe up the juice, obviously trying to fold a boat.

"And we’ll find out. You should speak to Harry about the Ministry thing.“, Fred said and I nodded.

Fred and I were casually talking when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and looked straight into Jeremy Smith’s face. I felt Fred tense up next to me.

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