Chapter XLVIII

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AN: That took me longer than I had hoped. I'm so sorry.
My daughter had her first birthday and I had so many appointments and had to organize so much.

I hope you still like the next chapter, enjoy it.
And don't forget to vote and comment <3

Warning - mature content

After the appointment, Fred and Penny decided to go for a walk.

Both were overwhelmed by the experience they had had a few minutes ago and the desire for a clarifying conversation burned on their souls.

Penny chewed on the inside of her cheek while Fred kicked small stones that lay on the path in front of him.

„So..“ Fred was the first to finally break the silence.

„Can we talk?“ he asked, looking at Penny out of the corner of his eye.

„Thank god, I thought you’d never ask“ she wanted to yell, but her mouth only managed a soft yes.

„Good. What – what do you think if we go out to eat something? Late lunch or early dinner?“ he shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket as he waited for the answer, hoping she would agree.

„Yeah, sounds good.“ she looked at him and smiled.

„Really? I mean, that’s great. Pizza?“ Excitement was written on Fred’s face and Penny’s heart jumped at the sight.

They found a small Italian restaurant that was open and took a table in a corner for some privacy.

Except for one other couple, they were the only ones anyway.

Shortly after they were seated, the waitress came with the menu.

Fred ordered a pizza with ham and pineapple and Penny ordered a pepperoni pizza.

„I don’t know how you can eat that.“ Penny giggled as Fred took the first bite of his pizza.
„It’s fruit, fruit doesn’t belong on pizza,“ she continued, shaking her head.

„You have no idea, pineapple on pizza is the best.“ he winked and took another big bite.

Penny laughed before her eyes turned serious again, she cleared her throat and cut into her pizza.

„Start then“ she said and Fred looked at her with a furrowed eyebrow.

„What?“ he asked.

„You wanted to talk, so talk.“

„Well, okay. Penny, I know I screwed up. I wish I had a logical explanation, but I don’t. I wanted to be strong for you, I promised I’d be there for you –„ , he wanted to continue, but Penny interrupted him.

„So it’s my fault?“

„What? No! Penny, no, of course not. Please just listen to me, okay?“ he looked at her almost pleadingly and she nodded.

„Well, everything I promised you and vowed to do, I suddenly couldn’t do anymore. The fear of losing you consumed me and instead of talking to you, I withdrew. I know it was wrong, believe me. I knew it all along, but I was afraid of losing you if you realized that I couldn’t be there for you.“, he took a deep breath and waited for a reaction, but Penny just stared at her pizza.

„One evening I was sitting at the Leaky Cauldron when Angelina suddenly walked in and sat next to me at the counter.“ at the mention of Angelina’s name, Penny looked at Fred.

„So I was talking to Angelina and I had a few too many drinks so I told her everything. And as it turns out she knew a therapist. Well, not only did she know her, she actually dated her. Crazy right? Angelina and a girlfriend, who would have thought – „,

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