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George took Penny’s arm and Fred linked his arm with Lee, ready to apparate to the newly engaged couple’s new home.

It was the Monday after lunch at the Burrow that the two had announced their engagement and it was safe to say that everyone was beyond happy.

Molly was on the verge of fainting, especially when Lee asked her to help him with the planning, since George had as much patience and talent as his twin, Lee refused to plan with him.

Of course, George would approve any decision, but the younger twin couldn’t care less as long as Lee is the man who would end up waiting for him at the end of the aisle.

They landed in an open field and took on their surroundings.

It was similar to that of the Burrow, lots of space, lots of nature and lots of peace.

In front of them was a long driveway and at the end of it was a rather small two-storey house with spots of ivy climbing up the light beige stone facade, some of them reached all up to the dark grey roof tiles.

A white fence bordered the property and the golden October sun shone with its full force on the various plants, that could be found in the garden and the little shed in the same colors as the house, that was right between them.

„Wow, Georgie, Lee, that’s beautiful and so cozy.“ Penny beamed after taking in the sight and they made their way to the house together.

„Thank you. It’s been a real stroke of luck. Lee’s parents knew the owner, his wife passed away a few years ago and he’s too old to take care of himself and the house, so he was looking for people who would buy the house he had lived a happy life in for many years.", Lee began.

"And that’s where we came in, I mean, who's better to bring a breath of fresh air somewhere than us?“ George wiggled his eyebrows after telling the story of how they got the house.

Lee unlocked the door and let the other three in before he followed.

The inside of the house was just as cozy as it looked from the outside, the rooms weren’t very big, but that gave them a special character.

The living room had a fireplace and a large window front with a door to the terrace and garden.

A bathroom and an office, the kitchen with dining area were also on the lower floor, upstairs were three more rooms and a larger bathroom.

It was perfect and it was enough.

„Alright, the boxes are already here, you know where to put everything, so I’d say get to work.“, George said and the others nodded.

„Penny?“ Lee called the girl as she knelt in front of boxes in the kitchen to unpack them.

„Hmm?“ she looked up at him.

„When you’re done here, would you help me with the decorations, you know, flowers and candles and some pictures? I have an idea, but I don’t think I have the feminine side to implement it tastefully.“, he grinned and looked at Penny pleadingly.

„Of course, I’ll help you, Lee.“ she agreed and opened the first box and the door of the cupboard where the dishes were supposed to go and levitated them with her wand out of the box and into the cupboard.

She repeated it and in no time all the cupboards, shelves and drawers in the kitchen were filled.

Since she couldn’t find Lee anywhere, she decided to go to work herself and start with the decorating in the kitchen.

She placed some flowers on the windowsill behind the sink and with the help of a bit of magic, she hung a board over the cooking island onto which she spread various herbs so that they could be used fresh when cooking.

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