Chapter XLII

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The first 3 months of Penny’s treatment laid behind her.

There were good days and there were bad days, but lately the bad days, sadly, had prevailed.

Anyone close to Fred and Penny could see the change between them.

Penny was no longer hopeful, she was at the end of her strength, she didn’t feel like any of it anymore.

And Fred, well, no one knew that but himself.

„Freddie?“ a weakened Penny called from the bedroom as she heard the door to the flat slam shut.

„No, it’s George,“ she heard the younger twin reply, and huffed sadly as he quietly walked into the room.

„Hey, I know I’m not the twin you wanted to see, but I’m not that bad either.“ he smirked, trying to cheer her up.

„No, it’s not that.“ she shook her head with a small smile on her face.

„But anyway, do you know where Fred is?“ she asked.

George leaned against the door frame, arms folded across his chest as he eyed Penny.

„Actually, no. I thought he was here because he left earlier again.“ he replied, seeing the disappointment in the girl’s eyes in front of him.

Again?“ she frowned as she ran a hand through her hair and George slowly walked towards the bed.

„May I sit down?“ he pointed to the bed and Penny nodded.

„I never asked him because I thought he was going to your place. But he’s been leaving earlier or coming later these past few weeks.“ He frowned.

„Well, obviously he’s not here. So where is my husband when he’s not at work or with me?“ Penny’s voice rose in an attempt to keep her composure.

„He’s probably running errands. There’s certainly nothing to it.“ George put a hand on Penny’s leg that was under the covers and looked at her.

„Well, and why isn’t he telling me about it?“ she threw the covers off her and stood up.

She had to hold on to the bedpost to keep her balance and immediately George was at her side to support her.

„It’s alright. Thanks,“ she mumbled.

„So what do you really know?“ she looked at George expectantly.

„Nothing. I don’t know anything. I never questioned what he was doing as I thought he was being with you,“ he said truthfully.

„Do you think he’s cheating on me?“, she brought the question, that was bubbling in the back of her mind, with difficulty over her lips and George immediately shook his head.

„No. He would never cheat on you.“

„But where is he then?“ and at that moment the door of the flat slammed shut and Penny stormed out of the bedroom.

„Where have you been?“ she yelled before Fred could say anything and he frowned.

„At work, of course. Where should I –„ he trailed off when he saw George coming out of the bedroom.

„That’s interesting, because your brother here told me that you left earlier. So I’ll ask you again, where have you been?“ She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to swallow down the rising feeling of nausea.

Fred exchanged a look with George before looking back at his wife.

„I was running errands. And wanted to bring dinner.“ his eyes flickered around the flat.

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