Chapter XLV

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AN: I've loved the comments in the last part haha
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Enjoy this one

Penny was sitting on the couch in Grimmauld Place. A cup of tea in hand while she nervously picked at the scraps of skin on her nails.

She heard Sirius and Remus whispering softly in the kitchen but didn’t catch on what they were saying.

They were probably talking about how they lured Fred here and then beat the living shit out of him.

At the thought of Fred, tears welled up in her eyes and she had to pinch them shut to keep them from escaping.

„Penny, petal?“ Remus soft voice came from behind here and she hummed in response.

„Now would you like to tell us what exactly happened?“ he asked cautiously as Sirius also appeared behind him and handed him a Firewhisky while the two sat down on the couch across from her.

Penny shook her head.

What was she supposed to tell?

She was sure Fred was cheating on her, but she had no proof.

Had she rushed out of the flat and should have waited for an explanation?

Possibly, but the situation was driving her crazy and didn’t allow her to think and act rationally.

„Penny, Remus is right, I think you should talk to us. We just want to help you.“ Sirius spoke and Penny looked up at him.

„Fred is cheating on me.“ she said surprisingly calm and Sirius‘ and Remus‘ eyes went wide.

„What?“  they replied in unison.

„Well… I think he is.“ she continued.

„I’ll kill that motherfucker,“ Remus said, standing up, but Sirius managed to pull him back down on the couch.

Instead he looked at Penny.

„What do you mean you think he’s cheating on you?“ Sirius asked calmly.

„He’s changed so much in the past few months. He leaves the shop earlier or comes later, but he never reveals where he’s going. Instead, he has excuses that he’s out at the grocery store or so, but he never brings anything with him. When I ask him about it, then he’s dismissive and aggressive. I – I just don’t know what to think and what’s the matter with him.

"And then George must have seen him with a woman and he didn’t tell me about it, but I thought I could at least trust George. And now they both seem to be lying to me. And I just don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong anymore.

"And I don’t recognize my own husband. I need him so much, but he’s not the Fred I knew anymore.“ the words finally spilled out of her and the two men in front of her clearly had trouble following.

„Okay. That was a lot of information. Why didn’t you say something sooner?“ Remus was the first to speak, giving Penny a sympathetic look.

„Because I thought it didn’t matter and I was ashamed,“ she admitted, looking at the floor while chewing on her bottom lip.

„Oh, Penny, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. If anyone should be ashamed, it’s your so-called husband. Oh just wait ‚til I get my hands on him.“ Remus voice got angrier.

„Moony. Not the point.“ Sirius placed a hand on his husband’s thigh and looked at him, then nodded to signal him to continue.

„Yeah, sorry. What I was trying to say, you could have come to us at any time, no matter how unimportant something seems to you, you are the most important person to us and we want to be there for you,“ he continued, his eyes softening and Penny finally looked up at him, a faint smile on her lips as tears glistened in her eyes.

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