Chapter XLIII

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AN: this one's just a little one.. As well as the next one.. I hope you'll still enjoy it.
Feel free to comment, I love the interaction and the feedback <3

George stood around the corner of the house and stared baffled at the door his brother had walked through a few seconds ago. He couldn’t believe his eyes and his thoughts were racing.

If he were more like Fred, he would have gone straight to the house and rang the bell to beat his twin out of there. But as everyone knew, George was the twin who thought before he acted and was not as impulsive.

He was angry, angry and hurt. Angry because Fred was meeting a strange woman to do who knows what, and hurt because he obviously lied to him.

„Hey George.“ he turned when the voice behind him spoke and saw a familiar face.

„Oh, hey Angie.“ he brought his former Gryffindor housemate into a quick hug.

„What are you doing here?“ he asked.

„I’m meeting up with an old friend.“ she smiled, showing her white teeth that contrasted with her dark skin.

George nodded.

„And what are you doing here?“ she leaned forward a bit to look around the corner, like George did before.

„Uh, I, er I thought I saw someone.“ he scratched the back of his neck with his hand and Angelina raised an eyebrow.

„Well yeah anyway I gotta go. It was nice seeing you Georgie.“ she smiled again.

„Oh, and you better stop acting so conspicuous, one might think you’re stalking someone or that you’re up to something.“, she said as she turned and waved at him over her shoulder.

George huffed. The strange encounter with Angelina had made him forget his previous  problem for a moment and that he in fact was kind of observing someone.

And so he turned to go back to the shop.

What he didn’t knew was that if he had waited a moment longer, he would have seen Angelina walk into the same house Fred walked into.

George entered the shop and ran a hand through his hair. On the way home, he had debated whether he should speak to Penny first or wait for Fred and confront him first.

He was sitting at his desk tapping the end of a pencil on the wood at high speed when the office door opened.

He looked up and a weary looking Fred entered. A wave of anger washed over him and George clenched his fists to keep himself from jumping up and pinning his twin to the wall and beating the truth out of him.

But George had his control and in the end he hoped there was a plausible explanation for it all.

„And how was it?“ he asked as Fred took a seat in the chair opposite.

„What?“ Fred’s face shot up and his eyes met his twin’s.

„The appointment?“ George frowned.

„Oh yeah - of course, er -„ Fred stammered and paused for a moment. „they don’t fit our concept.“, he finished his sentence and George snorted.

„Is that so?“


„What did you say, what was it about?“ George asked as Fred chewed on the inside of his cheek.

„What do you want from me? You know what it was about.“ He got up annoyed and before George could say anything else, he left the room.

Groaning, George let his head fall on the desk.

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