The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 54

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There. She could see a shift in the water behind the boulder. The ripples in the water stopped moving the minute she caught the movement.


She walked cautiously around the rock formation to see the one person she'd been searching for. He looked so small. Like a child, vulnerable, crouched with his head buried in his hands. She could hear the sound of him sobbing with shallow breaths.

"Naruto, are you okay?"

He didn't move and as she approached she suddenly heard him muttering under his breath.

"Go away. Please. No more. I don't- I don't remember. Please stop. It hurts."

Sakura flinched and her outreached hand retracted like she had just touched a hot stove.


Between the gaps of his fingers Sakura could see Naruto's eyes widened, glazed over and unseeing. The hot tears rolled down his face and Sakura felt a pang in her heart.

He couldn't remember anything. His brain was throbbing in pain. The girl's voice began to muffle around him as he vaguely hears her calls.

It was cold.

I'm cold.

All these questions. There were no answers. Think, think, think! What's going on. There's-there's a girl and-and...nothing...there was nothing. What's your name? I don't know. Think! What's your name!




He could hear a faint sound in the distance. A gurgle and then a giggle.

A little girl giggling, no older than one. He could see her. He could see her so clearly now. She looked beautiful. Her hair, oh, her hair was gorgeous. Thin red locks that were already growing long. Her eyes were slanted and narrow but a soft stormy grey. It was so familiar. So nostalgic. She looked familiar. His heart was aching, his hands began to reach out.


A tear rolled down his face. Sayuri. He repeated the name again, listening as the it rolled off his tongue like honey. He repeated it again. And again. It was his lifeline, a straw he was grasping. Sayuri.

There was a flash and suddenly he could see her, wrapped in a blanket staring up at him. Hands were holding her protectively against his chest. The image moved up and he could see a woman with red hair resting in a hospital bed. Her hair was identical to Sayuri's. There was a man next to her, his blond locks no different from his own, slumped in a chair next to the bed.

His parents.

The image looked back down at Sayuri.

'See you later, little one.' Onii-san will be back soon. I promise.

He could hear his voice echo in the void.

The image melted away and all he could do was collapse to his knees, letting the tears shed.

His little sister.


He remembered something.

Sakura could hear Naruto continue his mumbling but her eyes locked instantly on her previous opponent struggling against a mass of water. She was snarling like a savage animal, her eyes were feral and her teeth were bared.

"You disgusting filthy creatures- GET OFF ME! IT BURNS!" she shrieked. Sakura remained hidden as she watched Akarii arch against her bindings. Akarii started to glow red until the water vaporized into steam, finally releasing her. Ripping off the remaining tendrils of water, Akarii snarled as her eyes darted around for her new assailant.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now