The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 4

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beep beep beep

Its been a long night for Naruto, evil ladies chasing him, eating a lot of cake, constantly followed by a super pervert (for "research"). Naruto slammed his hand down on the alarm clock that read 7:00. He barely opened his eyes and looked around. He yawned and stretched, sat up, stretched again, only to fall back onto his pillow. He was expecting a yell from his mother, but it wasn't there. Oh that's right, she was on a mission. Ah, the life of a ninja. Naruto proceeded to roll out of bed, hitting the floor.

"Naruto? Is that you?"

Minato opened the door to find Naruto sprawled out on the floor, face first.


Naruto groaned and lifted his head. Minato helped him up.

"You're gonna meet your sensei today! Come on, get ready, I tried to cook but it didn't work, you're gonna have to eat some cereal. Take some nutrition bars too, you might get a little hungry on the way"

Naruto strolled off to the bathroom and got ready. Minato returned to the dining room to read his newspaper, listening to Naruto run around the house to get ready.

Naruto rested his head on the desk and looked around. He was 15 minutes early again. Genin tests were yesterday and Iruka-sensei told the students that they had to come in the day after to get into three-man cells to take the second test. Naruto looked around and saw that a majority of the civilian students were there. He brushed off the observation and looked back at the clouds through the academy window for the last time.

The poofs were heard again and this time Iruka-sensei opened the door first followed by the mass of newly promoted genin.

"Hai, everyone, please sit down. Today we'll divide you into groups and assign sensei's per."

Iruka then started to explain how the three-man cells were important and how they were vital for the mission to be completed for genin. He then congratulated everyone for their promotion and quickly read off each team.

"...Team 7- Mubira Renosuke, Waraikari Rei, and Naiku Jinto"

Iruka paused for a second and realized his mistake. Jinto, who tested before Naruto, had actually failed the test. Iruka had checked off the wrong box, Instead of Namikaze, he checked off Naiku. He coughed and then proceeded to correct his mistakes.

"Actually, there has been a mistake, Naiku Jinto had not passed the test. Namikaze Naruto will be in team 7."

Rei beamed and Renosuke looked at Naruto with a frown. Naruto gave an awkward smile and wave to his two new teammates before zoning out at the windows.

Rei, Renosuke, and Naruto were left in the classroom because their sensei was apparently running late. Naruto was reading a book, Rei was braiding her hair, and Renosuke, well, he was fiddling in his seat, shaking his legs, picking at his fingers, looking impatient as ever.

"ARG! When will that stupid sensei come! It's been, like, 45 minutes already!"

Naruto looked up at Renosuke with mild interest at Renosuke's distress and rants.

"Renosuke, I'm sure sensei is just a tad bit late, Iruka said to wait"

At that moment, the door slid open and the Jonin instructor entered. It was none other than Hatake Kakashi. His silver hair slung over his headband that covered one of his eyes, and his mask covering a majority of his face. He caught sight of Naruto and gave a quick nod before looking at the rest of his students. A bright green kid and a purple haired girl plus a little prodigy. His thoughts were interrupted by Renosuke's yell.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now