The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 43

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The sunlight poured in through the windows of the barely decorated room. At the bedside was the loud alarm clock blaring it's song. The bed sheets began to rustle and a muffled groan was heard from under. Everything went quiet except the incessant chime of the alarm which was brought abruptly to an end by a kunai impaling it violently. The sound died out and the hand slipped back into the bed sheets.

The sheets shifted again and a head poked out. The girl squinted as she hefted herself to an upright position. Her hair stuck out in many places and her eyes screamed annoyance and sleep deprivation. She swung her legs to the side and let her feet touch the cold bare floor. Her toes curled at the touch but she stood up full height and made her way to the bathroom.

"Sakura! Are you awake?"

"Yes! I'll be down in a moment!"

The girl combed through her pink locks and scrambled downstairs to see her mother frying eggs.

"Good morning, Sakura! Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, important day today."

"I heard. What are you going to do from now on?"

"It's all taken care of."

"All right. Take care, Sakura."

"Okay, Kaa-san!"

Sakura wolfed down the plate of eggs in front of her and dashed out the door.

Konohamaru yawned and lazily scratched his scalp as he slumped into his chair. His uncle sat across from him with the newspaper spreading across the table. His cigarette burned in the ash tray.

"Mornin' Asuma-jiji"

"Oi! I told you to stop calling me that! I'm not that old!"

"With that beard you are. Shave it off and go bald."

"That's not how you talk to your uncle, brat."

"I'll stop talking like that when you shave that abomination off, Asuma-jiji"

"I'll have you know the ladies dig it."

"You mean only Kurenai and something tells me she only barely tolerates it."

"Shut up, kid."

Konohamaru waved it off and shoveled the stale cereal in his mouth before he quickly made it out the door.

Sasuke glared at the silver haired man in front of him. His eye twitched to use the Mangekyou but he knew his promise. His sensei was seldom wrong about his theories. The aftertaste of tomatoes was still on his tongue but the smell of blood overruled his already faint appetite. He took a glance around to see mangled bodies strewn across the "lab". He looked back at Kabuto and waited impatiently.

He hadn't been there long but he knew that the next few years here were going to be bumpy. Naruto had sent news that he would be leaving Konoha today. Sasuke only faintly smiled when Naruto said he would be dropping by soon. A familiar face was just what he needed in this depressing and endless pit hole.

Rei slowly walked aside Reno as the two made their way across the park. Reno was slowly getting better and Rei was there every step of the way. They slowly made their way to the northern gates in hopes of catching the last glimpse of their friend and teammate.

Naruto inhaled the ramen in front of him as Jiraiya looked on annoyed.

"I'm going to go broke if you don't calm that black hole of a stomach."

"Not that it matters considering you practically emptied MY wallet last time. And I was only eight so piss off."

"Che- ungrateful brat."


Naruto glanced around him, taking in the nostalgic ramen stand. He knew he shouldn't be taking so many training trips. He had a family here in Konoha, a family that could die any moment thanks to their profession. He should stay home more and savor their presence. Had he no family, taking leave for several years wouldn't be so bad, but that wasn't the case. His mother won't stop bawling her eyes out and his father wouldn't stop ruffling his hair.

"Kid, let's go."

Naruto looked up at Jiraiya and nodded. He finished the rest of his ramen before getting out of the stool. He waved to Teuchi and Ayame one last time before exiting the stand. He and Jiraiya walked down the main road towards the gate, Naruto only stopping once or twice to say goodbye to passing villagers.

When Naruto finally made it to the main entrance, he couldn't believe his eyes. His friends, family, and colleagues were all there waiting for him.

"Naruto!" "Naruto-sensei!"

Naruto walked up to them and smiled.

"Yo! Come to say goodbye?"

He said his goodbyes and escaped the bone-crushing hugs of his mother. Sakura gave a tentative hug and a quick kiss on his cheek before stuttering away. Naruto chuckled a little, sporting his own blush before he locked Konohamaru in a headlock one last time. Sasuke wasn't there but Naruto knew he would be seeing the Uchiha later so it didn't matter. He and Jiraiya stopped at the entrance and turned around. Naruto took one last glance at the crowd of people, memorizing their faces and their smiles. One eyed smiles from a jounin, bright colored hair from several of his friends, apathetic yet caring look from a Nara, the crunching sounds from the Akimichi, the barks of a Inuzuka's dog, the silent stare of a Aburame, the bright cheers of a Yamanaka, shy smiles of a Hyuuga.

These people were his special people, his family. A family that he was willing to leave for, to get stronger for, to die for. They are who made him stronger, who give him identity. They are why he will come back and smile back.

"Goodbye, Konoha."

And with that, the last thing Konohagakure no Sato saw of Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya for the next three years.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now