The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 20

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Naruto sent to the genin's and the jounins to the balconies above the arena. Behind Naruto was a large statue with hands forming a seal. Right above the monstrosity, the duo screen started flashing. Naruto announced.

"And the upcoming match is...Konohagakure's Nara Shikamaru...and...Otogakure's Yunoha Kirina."

Asuma chuckled as the Nara muttered something about troublesome. Shikamaru made his way down to the arena via stairs as the Otogakure's Kunoichi jumped from the balconies, landing in front of Naruto. Naruto smiled at her antics. She appeared to be hardheaded, opposed to her opponent, the infamously lazy Nara. That guy could sleep through an attack and not care at all.

"Alright. Are you ready? Go!"

Shikamaru immediately stuffed his hands in his pockets and sauntered backwards. Kirina frowned and shot out a volley of senbon. Shikamaru leaned his head to the side, letting the senbon zip past his head. Shikamaru lazily stood at the side and waited for Kirina to move.

"Oi! Lazy ass! How about you add a bit of 'umph' to this match?"

"How about no."


Kirina wasn't stupid. This guy was waiting for an opening, all he needed was for her to attack. But with the action, or more like lack of action, in this match, her patience will dry out. Kirina bit the inside of her cheek. She needed to execute her formulated plan. She had already made her first move with the senbon, all she needed was to continue with the next step. Kirina smirked.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes. This girl clearly wasn't stupid like the other hooligans. She wasn't attacking brashly or jumping in without a plan. Shikamaru frowned. He was used to fighting dunces, not people who thought like him. He only faltered when the girl smirked from across the room.

Naruto was thoroughly amused. This wasn't the average battle of arms, it was a battle of wits. The rest of the jounin thought so too. The kunoichi didn't look like she had been properly built as a kunoichi but the expression of concentration on her face showed that although her physique wasn't strong, her strategy and thinking was. Naruto always enjoyed these kinds of fights. Being a skilled strategist himself, he understood how underestimated the mind was. Naruto walked back and leaned against the statue, knowing he was probably interfering with the genin's battlespace.

Naruto smirked. Though it was a battle of the wits and that it was all about surprising the opponent with your advance planning, Naruto had already analyzed and thought through all the plans the two genin could possible choose. The way Kirina was on her toes only told Naruto that she wasn't the patient type. Her eyes flickering to Shikamaru and her surroundings only told him that she was going in for the next move. Shikamaru's aloof expression showed he is patient enough to see what his opponent will do and is able to change plans on whims. His expression also showed that he knew this was not the average hand to hand combat battle. Shikamaru's hands moved slightly in his pockets. Naruto figured he carried a weapon of some sort in the pocket. Judging by the thickness, it could be a bunch of tags. No, not tags, the things in his pocket were round. Smoke bombs. Naruto almost bursted out laughing. Smoke bombs, huh.

Kirina watched from the corner of her eyes as she watched the proctor back up, smirking. What was he doing? Kirina looked back at her opponent. Maybe taunting him will get a reaction.

"Come on asshole, show me how good the Konoha dogs are!"

Well that worked splendidly, she thought sarcastically. Shikamaru looked unfazed.

"Hmmm, I'm not too sure I want to do that. I've got other plans, ya know? Man, this is all just too troublesome."

Kirina got into stance as Shikamaru slowly drew out his hand from his pocket. He held out his clenched fist in front of him. Kirina narrowed her eyes. What was he doing?

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