The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 15

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Naruto continued to rock back and forth as he held Sakura. He felt her hold on his shirt loosen and her weight slack. Naruto looked down to see Sakura had fallen asleep. The sky was getting darker so Naruto picked her up and shunshined to the village. Naruto jumped from roof tops towards Sakura's home, mostly avoiding the busy streets by traveling in the shadows of the roof. He dropped Sakura off at her house, bidding her parents goodbye, before heading back home. It was a long day, hours of sparring with his mom, a jounin meeting gone sour, breaking bad news to genin, and comforting one that couldn't take the pressure. Naruto trudged back home, looking up towards the darkened sky.

Naruto sluggishly entered the Namikaze-Uzumaki compound, entering the main house where his family resided. He chucked off his shoes, walking past them before pausing and returning to put them in order properly. He plodded his way to the dining room where he dropped himself into a seat. Kushina exited the Kitchen with a pot of curry.

"Oh, Naruto! Okaeri!"


"You seem exhausted. What's wrong?"

"Exhausting day. You shoulda been there for the Jounin meeting."

"Yeah, sorry, I had a couple errands for the hospital and academy. What did I miss out on?"

"An argument with none other than Uchiha Fugaku. He wants his damn son as chuunin as soon as possible. Practically forced me to submit my whole unprepared team to the chuunin exams."

"That damned Fugaku. I'll have to talk to Mikoto about that, give him a piece of my mind."

"I wish. He's clan head of the freaking Uchiha clan."

"That is only because he married Mikoto. In actuality, it's Mikoto that has the main branch blood, making her the head. She's just lazy so she gave the responsibilities to her husband. But, when she wants, she always assume the position again at anytime."

"Yeah, but I have neither time nor power to get him. I'm only a rookie jounin. He's a seasoned one, even the head of the police."

"Don't worry, Naruto. I've got this."

The way Kushina said it sent shivers down Naruto's spine. Kushina made it even worse by happily humming as she went back into the kitchen. Kushina only hummed when she was covering up her anger. Note to everyone, never piss off Kushina when she's humming.

Minato entered the house a few minutes later and plopped down on a seat next to Naruto in the same fashion. Naruto looked over to his dad.

"Long day?"

"Ha, I can say the same to you."

Both blondes sighed and shrunk even further into their seats. Kushina came back out with a pot of rice.

"Both of you now? I won't have two wilted dumb blondes at my dinner table. Lighten up, ladies."

Minato and Naruto groaned as they sat back up supporting their heads on their hands, resting their elbows on the table. Kushina took a ladle and in one hit, swept their elbows of the table, sending their weight crashing to one side.

"Elbows off the damn table. Did you forget your manners already?"

The two blondes groaned again and droned in unison.


Kushina sat down as well and they began serving themselves. Kushina eyed Minato before speaking up.

"So, Minato, I heard there was a little dispute during the Jounin meeting today. An argument involving a certain red-eyed bastard and my son."

Minato sighed before taking his attention off the curry and looking at Kushina.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now