The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 5

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"Urg, Baka-Kakashi, are we gonna do more than these ridiculous d-ranks? How 'bout some with more action?"

"Shut up, Reno. As if a retard like you could handle anything above a d-rank."

"Urg, YOU shut up, dumbass."

"Says the deadlast to the top student."


"Guys! Calm yourselves! We gotta listen to Kakashi-sensei for the mission details."

"Uh, as I was saying. Today's mission will be the classic d-rank, Mr. Hiyashi wants us to clean out the weeds in his field. We will take four hours then take a break for lunch. In the afternoon, we will start training."

"Urg! Him again? His weeds grow back every freaking week! Can't we do some douton jutsu and level that shit out?"

"He has some herbs that are important growing on that lot, we can't just level out his herbs."

"We can always remove them first then plant them again after leveling out the lot"

"Thank you, Naruto...wait, Naruto's agreeing with me? WHAT? Has the world ended? Is it an apocalypse?"

"Shut up, loser"

"That sounds like a good idea, Naruto"

"Hey! That was my idea, Baka-Kakashi!"

"Whatever, loser"



Douton-Tairana Heijun no jutsu!

The ground shook as Naruto and Kakashi placed their hands on the ground and called the jutsu. The ground leveled out and Reno toppled over.

"Hey, watch it!"

"Aw, wittle Reno-chan needs an apology? Sorry you didn't apply chakra to your feet like a normal person would've, loser."

"Shut up, Naru-shit!"

The boys kept bickering as Kakashi stood by Rei.

"You'll take care of, more like heal, your teammates right, Rei?"

"A-ah, maybe, if they don't kill each other in the process. I'm not that good yet."

Kakashi and Rei looked back at the two boys who were now at a full out spar with weapons and jutsu flying everywhere. The flat ground became a war zone.

"Uh, we might have to do the jutsu again, Kakashi-sensei"

"I think you're right, Rei..."


"Hai, Hokage-sama, Our mission is done"

"Na, Hokage-sama, can't we do any missions with some actions? I don't know, maybe c-rank? Something awesome!"

"Shut up, Reno. Didn't Kakashi-sensei say we aren't ready? And don't talk to Hokage-sama like that" Rei reprimanded..

"Tsk, I'll be hokage soon, so I can do whatever I want"

"Uh, no. I'm gonna be Hokage!"

Reno and Naruto got into one of their arguments again as Minato, Kakashi, and Rei sweatdropped.

"Ok, here's the deal. I've got one c-rank for border patrol. If you can do this kind of mission easily, I'll get you another c-rank. Prepare yourself, It will be in one week."

"AW, YEAH! Thank you, Hokage-sama! You won't regret it! Naruto, your dad is the best!"

"You don't think I know that already?"

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now