The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 44

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THE SEQUEL OF 'The Namikaze Legend' - 'Inari's Prayer'

The sunlight poured in through the windows of the barely decorated room. At the bedside was the loud alarm clock blaring it's song. The bed sheets began to rustle and a muffled groan was heard from under. Everything went quiet except the incessant chime of the alarm which was brought abruptly to an end by a kunai impaling it violently. The sound died out and the hand slipped back into the bed sheets.

The sheets shifted again and a head poked out. The girl squinted as she hefted herself to an upright position. Her long hair stuck out in many places and her eyes screamed annoyance and sleep deprivation. She swung her legs to the side and let her feet touch the cold bare floor. Her toes curled at the touch but she stood up full height and made her way to the bathroom.

"Honey! Are you awake?"

"Yes! I'll be down in a moment!"

The girl combed through her long pink locks and scrambled downstairs to see her mother frying eggs.

"Good morning, Sakura! Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, important day today."

"Oh really? What is it?"

"I'm starting my new job at the hospital! Can you believe it?!"

"Oh congratulations, sweetie! Make sure you're home on time and we can have a celebratory dinner!"

"Mhmmf" Sakura nodded with a mouthful of toast. She darted out the door, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake.

The blond (an:/haha there is a difference!) threaded his hand through the soft pink tresses and felt her soft lips on his. He brought her closer by her waist, pushing against the small of her back.

"Welcome back..."

The boy pulled back and smiled at the girl, her face albeit slightly blurry.

"Good to be back, Sa-"


The boy was awoken by the sudden change in temperature as his teacher dropped a bucket of water all over his face. He jolted up, skyrocketing a few feet in the air before crashing back on the floor next to his bed. Seventeen year old groaned against the muddy dirt that surrounded his sleeping bag and didn't move. The veins on the teacher's forehead pulsed as the teenager didn't move.

"Wake up you little brat or we won't make it to our destination on time."

"Mmmphf...I'd rather not." the blond turned his head to the side to enable breathing.

"Yeah well, the sooner we get there, the sooner we see your damn girlfriend."

The teen turned beet red and sputtered.

"Sh-she's not my girlfriend!"

"Yeah...Like I'd believe that. I know infatuation when I see it." The sage muttered as he slipped his bag on his back, "Get ready or I'm leaving with or without you and your weird ass dreams." The old man proceeded to poorly henge as the teen and grope the air for an imaginary girl while smooching.

The boy groaned again before flopping onto his back and rubbing his blue eyes before grinning. He got up to get ready, watching the old man already walk away. Not that it would matter since the old coot was slow anyways.

"I need you to file these in the archives and get me a copy of the general hospital's update. Then I need one from the academy for new genin recruits this year."

"Right away, Hokage-sama"

The secretary made her way out and Namikaze Minato slowly sunk back into his chair. He technically should not be working. Hell, he shouldn't even be anywhere near the building. But as much as his wife would like to kill him for this, he had things to do, people to meet, places to be, and those things aren't going to do themselves.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now