The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 38

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Naruto lounged in his hospital bed, counting the ridges in the ceiling and watching the ceiling fan rotate perpetually. He rolled his head to the side to see a blue vase with a bouquet of tiger lilies. The open window beckoned him but alas, he couldn't move. He couldn't move because his mother had handcuffed him to the bed without a lockpick in sight, let alone any small enough object that could serve as a lockpick and break him free. He frowned. A familiar chakra signature stopped at the doorway. He sat up, scowling at the chakra enforced metal handcuffs on his wrists. He looked up at the door again.

"Reno, pleasant surprise to see you. Are you here to set me free? Or just annoy me to death?"

"Dammit I can't sneak up on you anymore!" The green clad teen entered the room, free of crutches.

"You..." Naruto lost his words as he saw Reno walk in perfectly.

"...can walk? I know." Reno shrugged.

"Does that mean-"

"No. I can walk, but the ninja stuff is still outta reach."

Naruto looked away in shame.

"Hey, Naru-shit, don't look that way, I can walk now!"

Reno jumped for good measure before settling at the edge of Naruto's bed. He calmed himself before looking at the blonde.

"So, I heard about your student."


"It's not your fault-"

"It is. I probably said some really rude things to him there."

Reno frowned.

"Really? Is that all there is?"

"I promised my students that I would bring him back, knowing that I couldn't in the first place."

Reno didn't question. Somehow he knew this was deeper than an average ninja gone rogue.

"I heard the Uchihas are taking it rough."

Reno immediately blanched as Naruto got even more depressed.

"Y-you know what? I know what to get your mind outta the dumps."

Naruto only looked up. Reno only grinned.


Naruto's small form of hope that Reno might actually have an answer withered away and burned itself immediately and Naruto only glared. Reno only shrugged it off and continued his rant.

"Come on, Naruto. They're the perfect distractions! Just imagine the figures!" Reno started to run his hands down imaginary curves.

"I don't need to hear about your personal escapades with Rei, Reno. Please, shut up." Naruto deadpanned.

"Hey, don't give me that look. You and your little orange book! Don't tell me you'd rather settle for paper than the real deal!" Reno exclaimed.

"I don't feel comfortable having this discussion with you, Reno. Drop. It!" Naruto growled but Reno only continued.

"So what's your type? Blonde? Brunette? Maybe redheads? Or perhaps...a pinkette?"

The hospital room was suddenly filled with violent coughs and hacks as the blonde choked on his spit.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" Naruto yelled.

Reno only leaned away from the crazed blonde and smiled.

"Come on, Naruto. You're the same age and I have to say, she'll probably look drop dead gorgeous in a few years. Catch her early before you have competition."

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now