The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 11

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"Humor me, Zabuza."

"How so, Inari-boy"

"Why is it, that you're doing this? I mean, it's rather obvious, but I'd like to hear it from the man himself."

"The fun."

"I'm sorry? I don't quite understand. No money?"

"The fun of my opponents, realizing it's useless to fight. Their hopes crushed. Their motivation drained. The money is on the side. "

"I hate to disappoint you, Zabuza, but you won't be getting that reaction from me."

"We'll see about that. Now, Inari-boy, entertain me."

Zabuza slipped into a stance with his blade ready. Naruto flicked his blade and crouched to his own stance, the bell on his blade ringing through the fog. The fog got even thicker and the sight of Zabuza slipped from Naruto's vision. Naruto's eyes narrowed at where Zabuza previously resided, but the voice of his student brought him out of focus.

"N-naruto-sensei. We can't see anything. Where is the enemy?"

"Sakura! Take you and the others out of the fog. Keep your eyes peeled, his accomplice could be anywhere."

"Anywhere, he could be, indeed, Inari-boy. Do tell how you figured I have an accomplice?"

"The hunter nin didn't follow standard procedure."

"Tsk, I'll have to teach him how to pretend more. Though, normally people wouldn't notice that kind of detail unless they were a hunter nin themselves."

"I had my share of bounties to kill."

"You sure talk from experience. You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?"

Naruto barely had time to duck as the cleaver swung horizontally at him, aimed for his midsection. Naruto felt his hair get trimmed as he crouched low into one of his stances. As the blade drew back, Naruto sprang forward in the direction of the blade and jabbed forward. He felt his sword pierce something and as the fog cleared a bit from his face, he made eye contact with Zabuza. Naruto jumped back just as a blade swiped through Zabuza which distorted into water and splashed to the floor. When Naruto landed, he jumped back up when he felt the water on the floor start to move from under him.

"Keeping me on my feet, are we, Zabuza?"

"The fox is more agile than I thought. Most would have failed the first two moves. I guess I have to switch tactics"

Naruto's eyes darted around as he landed on dry grounds. The fog started to get heavier and his vision was practically deemed useless. Naruto closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings. Naruto raised his sword up to deflect a blow, creating sparks where the two blades met.

"That's quite a sword, Inari-boy. Most would have snapped at the sheer weight of mine."

"Forged in the Lands of Iron and enforced by my chakra, it's only natural that it's one of a kind."

"Let's quit the chit chat shall we? I feel like we're just stalling here"

"I feel...the same."

Naruto unleashed a wave of chakra, pushing back the fog, revealing Zabuza, posed to strike. Naruto opened his eyes just in time to block the blade. As the two blades locked, Zabuza stared at Naruto's iced blue eyes. The stood there for a split second before Naruto flicked his wrist up, sending a pulse of chakra with it, launching Zabuza's sword up. Naruto went for the opening and gave a horizontal strike to Zabuza's chest. Zabuza once again turned into water and fell to the ground. Naruto's eyebrows furrowed.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now