The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 2

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"Okairinasai, Naruto! Dinner is ready, come eat a soon as you're ready!"

"Okay, Kaa-san!"

Naruto chucked off his shinobi sandals and walked to his room only to be yanked by the collar.

"Now where do you think you're going with those shoes chucked around?"

"T-tou-san...heh heh, I was gonna fix it!"

"Damn straight you were, now go fix them, we can talk about your first day at academy at the table"

Minato let go of Naruto's collar and watched his son rearrange his shoes. It was funny how similar Naruto looked like to his genin days. Naruto had a hoodie on like him, except it was orange. Minato frowned, apparently Naruto picked up on Kushina's knack for bright colors. Now Naruto was spouting non stop about being the orange flash or the orange hokage. As if. There's only room for one Flash in this world, and it was him. Minato chuckled a bit, Orange Hokage, huh. Minato flashed a quick smile and walked to the Kitchen to greet Kushina.

"Naruto! Eat your damn peas before i shove them down your throat forcefully!"

Naruto involuntarily gulped, taking the peas that were stuffed into his mouth down his throat. Naruto then made a face and started clawing at his throat. He took a deep breath and stuck out his tongue.

"Quick! Give me ramen! Anything to wash away the taste of peas!"

"No, thats what you get for stuffing all your peas in your mouth and now swallowing. You could have choked!"

Kushina glared at Naruto. Minato passed a cup of juice under the table to Naruto who chugged the whole drink when he thought Kushina wasn't looking.


Minato and Naruto scampered off leaving Kushina in the dining room, standing up with one foot on a seat, ready to pounce, with three forks between her fingers like kunai, glaring at the door way. Meanwhile, Minato sat next to Naruto on the couch in the living room.

"So I heard from Iruka that you are going to move up to grade 5."

"Yup! Today was too easy, they couldn't even throw a kunai! It was ridiculous"

"That's great and all, but remember, nothing-"

"-replaces hard work. I know, I know. Its just that I already went through the 'hard work' with kunai and history and taijutsu. Genin is too easy! You know my skill! I'm like a jonin!"

"While you have a large sum of jutsu, most, if not all, are mid to high level chuunin. It's only the number that makes you High Jonin. Sure the number rivals Kakashi, but the level isn't there yet, and you don't have experience and I'm not prepared to send a 6 year old into A to B ranked missions, let alone my son. Genin first, Chuunin second, then we talk about Jonin. Not to mention, you don't even know my jutsu, we'll have Jiraiya train you"

"Cool! A Sannin as a teacher!"

Naruto raced out of the living room to his room. Then a voice came from behind Minato.

"Don't you dare send my son to that pervert to train"

"Ah Kushina, he isn't really a pervert, he's-"


Just then, The white haired sage bursted through the door. Kushina whipped her head around to face Jiraiya then sent her fist into Jiraiya's face, launching him out the window next to the door. She huffed, placed her hands on her hips then turned around to face Minato.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now