The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 31

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Orochimaru charged, hand shooting out at the blonde. A snake sprang forth from his sleeve. Naruto dodged to the side and pulls at the snake's neck, causing the Sannin to lurch forward. Naruto used his momentum to cock his fist back and punch the Sannin straight across the jaw. But he didn't relent as he sent a series of rapid kicks to the Sannin's midsection.

A few snaps were heard as ribs were broken. But it wasn't Orochimaru's ribs that broke. Naruto gasped as a foot was lodged in his side from behind. He took a glance to see Orochimaru smirking just in time before he was launched to the side. The Orochimaru he had laid assault to melted to the ground in mud.

Naruto slowly got up and cradled his side, his hand glowing green as he applied first aid. He spat a little blood out to the side, but didn't keep his eyes of the Sannin. He had an odd feeling as he felt his gut wrench. He couldn't help but feel that he was missing something really important.

He shook off the feeling and unsealed his sword again and unsheathed it; the sheath sealed back into the scroll. Orochimaru took out a kunai and shifted into stance. Naruto dashed forward, blade posed to strike. Orochimaru dodged and parried as Naruto violently slashed at the Orochimaru, searching for a gap in the Sannin's defense.

Orochimaru grabbed his blade with his bare hands and ripped it out of the jounin's hands. Orochimaru kicked Naruto away with a swift kick and began to weave through hand seals with his hands covered in blood.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu!

Naruto immediately recovered and threw his hiraishin kunai.

Kunai kage bunshin no Jutsu!

Just as the rain of kunai pelted over the grounds, a large snake poofed into existence. It wasn't the boss summon, but definitely a summon to be reckoned with. Naruto quickly eyed for his sword and found it in the wreckage of roof tiles from where the snake landed. Naruto also noticed that Orochimaru had disappeared but didn't have time to look for him as the snake lunged.

"Shit..." Naruto muttered. He dodged the constant strikes that the snake lashed out at him. He whipped around and did the same thing he did back in the forest of death, punch the living daylights out of the snake.

The snake scrunched up, vibrating from the sheer power of the punch. A large crack was heard as the snake's skull cracked under the pressure. A few moments later, the snake was reverse summoned and Naruto whipped around to meet the bad end of a katon Jutsu.

Katon: Tsuin Fushichou Hinoiki (Twin Phoenix Fire breath)

Naruto was caught in the blast but managed to get away with only a few burns. His jounin vest definitely looked like it had better days as he took off the burnt-to-a-crisp flak jacket. His chest was now free of the weight of the jacket. He lifted his fingers up and formed a ram seal.


The training weight seals were lifted and the chakra storage seals were also released. Not that he really needed chakra storage with his immense reserves but a storage with medical chakra was definitely something he needed. The chakra storage was filled with Rei's medical ninjutsu chakra which she had charged up the other day. Naruto felt the cool rush of foreign chakra through his blood stream and watched as his burns started to heal along with the kyuubi chakra. His ribs popped back into place. He would have to be careful from now one, because that was a one shot Jutsu.

"I see your injuries have healed. That's no fun." Orochimaru taunted.

Naruto's eyes hardened as he looked on to the Sannin. He started to weave through his own set of handseals.

Douton: Kaze Kakusei Sajin Arashi (Wind waking dust storm)

Naruto puffed out his chest before spewing out a large cloud of dust. Orochimaru was engulfed in the dust cloud but remained unfazed. He sensed the blonde attack and quickly deflected it with a kunai. The blonde continue to attack as Orochimaru blindly but easily blocked and countered. Orochimaru lazily combed his hand through his air as the dust cloud began to settle, leaving the two facing each other. Naruto was breathing heavily, form slouched over as the boy tried to recover from his attack earlier.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now