The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 41

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The four Konoha nins were settled in their rooms and Kagiri made her exit as she left to the throne room. The empty room was grand with large red pillars shooting up to the elevated ceiling. Elaborate swirls were carved into the archaic wood and the vibrant colors in the ceiling was illuminated by the small fires in copper bowls. Kagiri's getas clicked against the reflecting black marble floor. Servants rushed to take her scarf and offer her nourishment before leaving the room completely. She slowly sat down in the lean chair atop an elevated stage. She leaned back and rested her head against the backrest.

"A bit too soon to relax, isn't it, Kagiri-sama"

Kagiri flinched as a girlish voice came from behind her chair.

"I see you did what we asked."

Kagiri narrowed her eyes.

"I did. But you got a tough one this time around. He definitely won't work"

"If he doesn't work, then we'll kill him too."

"I believe you are forgetting that this one is of royal blood. Killing off the heir-"

"I heard he is a mix. He is no pure heir."

"Well, he's a ninja."

"...which Uzumaki did you bring this time."

"Uzumaki...Namikaze Naruto"

A faint gasp was heard and a few shuffling before it went quiet again.

"He will hear of this development. Continue as planned. We will figure out the rest"

With echoed footsteps, the girl left and Kagiri was left in the empty room. She slowly eased into her seat and clenched her fist, resisting the urge to bite her nails. The tingling in her spine and the shaking in her fingers had her on edge. Kagiri was a smart girl. She knew that while Naruto was a mixed blood, the Uzumaki blood concentration in him was relatively high. If just having Uzumaki blood in you was good enough for what these people were looking for, then the whole land of pebbles would have been good enough. But no, the villagers here, though they had continued the red haired trait, did not have the concentration to be even 1/16th Uzumaki. Naruto, on the other hand, was fifty percent Uzumaki, probably one of the highest concentrations and third only to Kushina Uzumaki and a man in Ame by the name of Pein, both of which were absolutely impossible to obtain. No one had ever seen Pein and Kushina was the Hokage's wife which meant for diplomatic missions, Kushina was always escorted by her Husband. These people were definitely not ready to go up against the legendary Yellow Flash.

Kagiri bit her lip. If Naruto didn't work, these people would run out of high concentrated Uzumakis to use. And if they ran out...the next best thing would be her, a quarter percent Uzumaki.

Naruto created a clone and had him take his place in bed before sneaking out. Sneaking around, Naruto had to say, this palace was rather grand. There were no need for guards because the place was protected by seals. Of course, that couldn't stop a seals expert, let alone an Uzumaki. These barriers were meant for mostly ignorant ninja or low level seals experts. Naruto slipped by the barriers with ease as he continued to snoop around.

He made his way to an empty throne room and immediately spotted a lone figure sitting in the chairs. He sucked in his breath and saw that Kagiri was sleeping in her chair. He frowned. Shouldn't her servants be taking care of her? He shook his head and walked past the throne chairs before something caught his eye. He looked behind Kagiri's throne and noticed a rather odd blade. It was roughly concealed as one of the hind chair legs. Naruto scowled. This was way too much work but he was curious and he would rather be caught trying to take apart the throne chair then let his curiosity eat him away. He silently walked up to Kagiri and quickly jabbed her in the neck. She woke up with a start, gasping for air in shock, before she dropped back into a deep sleep.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now