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"God of Strong Will and Curiosity"

The anger burrowing itself into Asani is like nothing that she's ever felt before.

It's hot, it's raging, it's causing a war of emotions within her. She has never felt any emotion at this level. Fueled by an even greater need for vengeance, her mind can focus on nothing else.

So much so, that she's asked Jungkook to spar with her. She also asks him to hold back nothing as they fight. He's skeptical about that at first, not wanting to hurt her. But he quickly realizes that she's more likely to hurt him.

"Argh!" He exclaims as his back hits the ground. His nose scrunches and his his hand goes to the place on his spine that's been hit.

"You are not even trying." Asani accuses.

"I am." Jungkook insists.

"You are Athena's son. You should be stronger than this. You're able to defeat the children of Zeus and Apollo in battle. Why are you not trying with me?"

"The thing is, Asani," he groans as he stands up. "I am." He wipes the dirt off of his pants.

Six days. It's been six days since the death of her father. Four days since she watched Jungkook and Seokjin give him a proper burial plot in the Sanctuary.

Asani refused to allow his body to sit in that house. She refused to leave without him. With the help of Triton and Atlas, Antoni's body was preserved and transported to the Sanctuary. He is buried next to her mother.

Despite the subtle ruining of the place, the vegetation remains intact. It has been raining nonstop since they arrived. More often than not, they've stayed in the house.

Asani can't bare to look at the what's become of her home for longer than a few minutes. The vineyard is destroyed; the grapes are have been smashed and the vines ripped from their intricate linings along the wooden sticks.

The stream runs much faster than usual, violently so. Most of the fish have gone belly up due to the undercurrent throwing them every which way.

Asani's home is unstable, completely out of balance. It is nothing like what she is used to. Even the fountain in the center of the courtyard is beginning to fill with moss and algae in the water and along the sides of the stone basin.

It fuels Asani's anger tenfold to see everything this way. Her mother spent so much time building this place into a home just for it to be ruined in a matter of minutes by two savage Gods.

The only thing untouched is everything on the right side of the stream. It's where the animals have retreated. It's where they've nursed each other's wounds and hid from the abuse of Poseidon and Perseus.

It's where Medusa's grave lies, tucked away in the center of the thick humidity of the forest trees. Protected by a force that only Jungkook has ever felt in its full weight.

That only Jungkook has been able to hear.

"You are incredibly strong, Asani. It is very attractive that you are able to keep up with me. Better than most of the Gods I've ever fought." He compliments.

"We are supposed to be fighting, not flirting."

"We have been fighting for days, Asani. You have not been put on your back since the second day. Neither I, nor Seokjin have been able to get you down. You have not eaten, you have not slept, you have not taken a single break. This has been nonstop. It is not good for your health."

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