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"Goddess of Divine Retribution & Revenge"

A calm sense of urgency fills the village of Sirenum as everyone prepares for the send-off of the Demigods. A morning feast was prepared, many gifts were given and all three of them had a conversation to be briefed about the trip.

With Atlas's assistance, it will take two and half days to reach the western sea. From there, the time varies anywhere from two to three days to reach Hawai'i with the help of Triton. He may be getting pushback the western belief in Poseidon. He has power over those seas but Poseidon's is greater.

This is where Asani comes in. Usually, the Sirens would mind their business and not get involved with the drama of the Olympian Gods. They do not care for it. But with Asani being in the middle of it, with her being a target, well... that's all of their business.

"Are you almost ready, Asani? You are set to leave in twenty minutes." Mika asks from the doorway of the bedroom.

Asani places her final item of clothing into the bag and zips it up. "Yes, I am ready."

Bosso stands from her lying position as Asani walks out of the room. Mika steps back for Bosso to follow her out. She's learned, as almost everyone has, just how protective of the Demigoddes that she truly is. She almost never leaves her side. And if she does, it's because the cubs need to eat. That's the only time she leaves Asani unattended. And even then, she makes sure that Jungkook or Seokjin are around.

"Where are the others?" Asani asks as they walk down the stairs.

"Jungkook is helping make sure that everything is accommodated for on the ship. He is also being given a tour per his request. He said that he's never seen a ship outside of books and would like to know the space before he let you on it."

Asani smiles sheepishly and looks at the floor. "He's very.. curious. He likes to know everything about everything. It bothers him if he doesn't."

"I assumed so." Mika gestures out of the door and Asani steps out with Bosso.

"When he asked, he was very excited about it. He had this.. light in his eyes as he looked at it. He was tapping his fingers against his leg until Atlas and Triton gave him their answer." Mika smiles fondly. "But he also looked determined."

Asani nods. "He wasn't going to let me on if he hadn't seen it for himself. That much I know."

"I don't doubt it. He loves you very much. Your well-being and safety are his top priorities. Atlas said that asked if there were sleeping spaces for Bosso, Koda and Juno. Then he quickly recanted and said never mind, assuming that they'd be rooming in with you and Seokjin due to the new space."

Asani chuckles as they walk the path to the docks. She looks at Bosso who watches everyone around as they step in stride together. She is more relaxed than she was when they first arrived but still not completely comfortable.

"Yes. They are very protective of us. I'm sure if we had more time, they'd have warmed up to everyone better."

"I don't know about the littlest one, Juno. He is stuck to Seokjin like glue. Even now." Mika gestures with her head to the docks. Seokjin is helping pull the anchor from the water. Barely breaking a sweat, it's him and Triton pulling it up, link by link.

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